Chirping ditto to Deb:
You do have the right to be happy Kell you do not need permission for that or be guilty of it.
I say you explore everything that could be a possibility of something you may or may not like. It's scary to do new things but fun as hell too.
I think when you explore and try and apply and consider alternatives (including, perhaps, to the big house) you FREE yourself of an internalized trap...that's not a real trap.
My dependency on my mother's house for shelter has come back to bite me, as now my brother may manage to set things up so I have to burn through the equity. The lawyer was just about to transfer it to me (perfectly legal and ethical) when my brother petitioned the court to take over, so all is stalled. And the long term resut may be that it's all gone before she is.
Life is too SHORT to be a prisoner. That said, I don't think you are your husband's or your mother's prisoner, just might be your own prisoner.
You had a right to get the surgery. You have a right to work elsewhere. You even have a right to live elsewhere. (Does a cozy, HAPPY townhouse sound good?). And you have a right to stop having your entire life be a reaction to your mother, your husband, or anyone.
I suggest calling the restaurant and speaking to the manager, or better yet, going in again. Just to say: I just stopped by to let you know that I am extremely motivated to have this opportunity, and ask if there's any other information I could provide you to help you in your decision?
That has helped me, at times, win jobs I wasn't sure I could get. It just requires believing that it really is okay to ask for what you want--to help it happen. Whether you get this one or the next one, it's just GREAT that you're looking. Keep going, DO NOT GIVE UP!