Hi Lighter
I was reading and noticed this, that didn't register on first read:
It seems if I ever celebrate something good in my life....
there's a backlash of discomfort and distress to show me I shouldn't have.
I know that's not rational but.....
that's the way it seems.
I think it didn't register, as I had forgotten that long ago, I had decided to not talk about anything good that happened to me, because if I did, it came back to bite me. So perhaps you say that isn't rational, but it sounds dead on for me, so I am not going to announce the good things that happen, because I'm just "speaking too soon" or jinxing myself, being complacent, and I have never been one to be complacent, as things can change in the blink of the eye.
I mentioned my not being complacent to a young fellow with whom I worked on a special project for computers for the disabled. He had received a huge Government Grant to be channelled through our Group, of which I was Treasurer, so we saw much of each other to keep good track of his budget and the expenses.
He came to me one day and said he now understood what I meant, because he was in such a good place with this job (the Fund paid him well), the 3 participants were learning their computers well (one blind, one deaf, one severe dyslexia) under his tutelage. his girl-friend had agreed to marry him, his new black car. (He loved black and I gave him a black desk lamp for his 26th birthday)
He had thought about this as he was driving to Toronto, and on the return trip he was in an accident that demolished his car and he was injured, but not beyond healing. I remember a broken leg kept him down and away from the other things. He said he would never be complacent again.
Edit in] This somehow fits in with your post to me on my 'daughter thread'. The practical me. Thanks for setting me straight, as I just said I would give her a break.... I need to be pulled back sometimes and with her I must never become complacent.]
Thank you