((((((((((((Hops)))))))))) thanks. Actually, you have taught me the most about not feeling compelled to be super-woman... and that's a good thing, because I mighta died trying!! Even with the head-knowledge of all the anti-perfectionistic truths under the sun and the deep heart-knowledge of my own dire need for the grace of God, I still needed to hear someone in-skin say that I'm not perfect... and that's okay.
What a novel idea, eh? lol
No nap today, but I did just tell my son that I am officially out of "answer-woman mode" at this time and that I require a period of quiet restoration during which he will kindly keep his stream of consciousness silent... lol. whew. I needed that!
(((((((((((GS))))))))))) My recent couple of yetches (not sure what that is, but it sounds disgusting and therefore definitely fits!) have revolved around not being able to find something/solve something/answer something which appeared to be urgent at the time. Had to talk myself down from that state of urgency (panic, really) by reminding myself that the earth was turning on its axis before I realized my ineptitude and that it would continue to turn as I pondered alternative solutions to the issue at hand. Suddenly, it all didn't seem so dire anymore. Next time (and I am sure there will be a next time) I fully expect to accept my own lacks with even more grace than last time. Hope you were graceful to yourself today!