I have had a few breakthroughs in the last week.
I had one, yesterday. When I would be with female friends, I would have the feeling of being numb.I, also. would have a depression come over me, and sometimes, a stomach ache--bleh.
My friend told me to just sit with these feelings, first of all and just note them.
I have been doing that.
I have seen that I am 40% present and 60% numb.
He said to just "BE in the 40% present" , not in the 60% part which is trying to protect myself(from my M, the old tapes)
He said the 40% part would grow and at some point, I would just BE present.
I tried this today, when I was with a friend. I did not hold myself in a defensive posture, to ward off her anger or rejection(i.e. treat her as if she were my M). I just relaxed and realized that IF I was hurt, I could handle it. I didn't have to be in a "suit of armor"--bleh.
We had the best conversation and were the closest we have even been and I have known her for over 20 years, from before I had children.
I had another breakthrough, too. I had always pushed myself to go out and do things with people and activities, even though I ,usually didn't want to. I made a decision to have a program to be more social, but do it at a pace that was comfortable.
Also, I am going to accept help on fixing up my house, without feeling guilty.
I need help in many,many areas. I AM a failure in ALL those areas ,according to my M, but screw it, so what? I AM a faliure in her eyes and always will be,but I just can't do things up to that standard,in the outside world OR myself.
I am a faliure ,in her eyes, b/c I am NOT the "top" in everything. I am NOT.
My house is always going down and I, myself, have many sides that are not good, but I have many sides that I like, too.
I just have to surrender to God b/c I made a huge mess of my life trying to follow what I was taught.
It never worked.
My friend accepted me, as I was and I was able to begin to love myself. Then, I could see these long held patterns that were based in self hatred and shame b/c I was not meeting perfectionistic standards.
I think a good deal of our self hatred is b/c the standards were so impossibly high that anyone would fail ,who was trying to meet them. Then, we were set up to hate ourselves.