Hiya everyone,
Flower, I think keys are straightforward symbols of gaining access to what was previously locked away, or conversely locking away something for various reasons (fear, safety, etc.). Keys can mean answers that open doors.
I recently had a bizarre and fascinating dream about a hidden unseen force moving my hand firmly to a doorknob. I was holding a key and the door led to a library. A friendly priest told me someone was waiting for me. There was a man (do any of you know the actor Rip Torn? that's what he looked like) dressed nicely and he looks up from a book he is holding and smiles at me. He wants to ask me some questions, like he is looking for information. I am filled with dread and the knowledge that he is the devil! Awyeeaw!
I think I was meeting up with my shadow and can't face it.
Yes, Phoenix, pretty cool this symbols in real life thing. There's a book (yeah, yeah, there I go again) called Practical Intuition that encourages this kind of thinking. I think it's pretty neat although I won't discuss it at the next ######## party I go to.

Hey, wait a minute, I don't go to ######## parties.
Anyway, I am very much working on the ol' inner life thing and am becoming very non-denominational, non-theological in my thinking. I prayed for guidance, etc. to see if this was "on the right track" or whatever. I went to church and promptly stepped in some green gum! Not just a little, a lot! and it was green. So I took this to mean that I should stick with it,

. (I always take green to mean growth or "go ahead" unless it obviously means envy in context. ) Of course, it could also mean I was stuck. Hmmm.
What do you guys say? Seeker