Thanks Lighter, Ami, Amber, everybody--
Guess what? My brother didn't come! He said it was a crisis with my neice (possible but could also have been an excuse). Either way, it mitigates his vigor in pursuing a suit, I think.
His lawyer came and was very reasonable. Between his and mine, I think they're on the same page about hopefully making all this go away without court involvement. Sounds good to me! I just need to finish up my Medicaid application with my lawyer, and we'll give copies to them.
As expected, my brother tried to have me allowing "relatives" to stay in the house when they visit. That would be his kids, whom he'd be using like chess pieces, so I said at some point, the kids, sure, but I'm not comfortable around my brother now. I think I need to even retract that for now. I just want them to leave me alone.
I'll always care about the kids, but I don't need to host them right now either. And if my brother needs a place to stay, he can ask one of the neighbors he was whispering to. Grrr.
I feel as though one anvil is off a shoulder and the other anvil is teetering and may fall soon.
(Just need to keep an eye on my toes, and remember with an N, it's never over until it's over.)
Feeling MUCH better, and thanks for all the caring and support and good thoughts, everyone.
love muchly,