Dear all,
After a first series of postings I've fallen silent again and may have been forgotten by most of you. It's not what I wanted, I appreciated (and still appreciate) the thoughtfulness, insight and kindness of most members here.
I intended to post my story and share some of the difficulties I have to face in my life.
But something held me back, a growing sense of unreality.
I soon realised some members are not what and who they purport to be. Specifically, I noticed how a few posters seemed to be branches from the same tree, using similar word patterns (I'm a linguist) and following a similar modus operandi. Leah, Gabben and Lupita are one and the same person, I've no doubt about it. Gabben at one point added, then removed a picture very similar to Leah's, and Lupita's command of English is not consistent with being a Spanish-speaker.
I'm sure others have noticed this, especially since Gabben-Leah-Lupita (GLL) often reveal themselves as one person, hiding and showing at the same time.
Well, I decided I wouldn't let this bother me. Someone might have reasons to scatter themselves, who knows? It might even be an Art or Social Science project to create and maintain several personae. I often had a good laugh at some really OTT posts. So I decided not to worry about it, but check up on some back threads. Well... I discovered the same tree had sprouted other branches in the past, vindictive ones, such as ReallyMe who has been asked to leave, I believe.
THEN there was Ami...
I felt deep concern and sympathy for her. It's an unspeakable tragedy to lose one's child to suicide. I was a bit surprised she went back to posting about her mother so quickly after the event, but everybody is entitled to their own grief process. I said as much to her when, two weeks after Scott's suicide, she announced having found the love of her life. But I did wonder a bit, especially since there was a 'flatness' about her, and a quite remarkable contrast between her 'rambling' style and some really astute remarks. Very little reminiscing about Scott, hardly any mention of her surviving son. Shortly after the suicide she told us that Scott had killed himself with a gun he had picked up at her house that same day. Yet no or hardly any manifestation of guilt, not even when she said there had been talk in the family of a possible suicide before the event. Hmm...