I realize that IF you lost your voice, in childhood, no outside factors will get it back for you. By outside factors, I mean prestige, education, relationships, accomplishments. It has to be regained from the inside.
James led me to Alice Miller.
One of her articles says that our loyalty HAS to be to OUR inner child,not the abusive parent. We turn against ourselves ,at an early age,in order to survive.
We have to turn that loyalty back and give it to the child in us.
I am like Kelly. I need to heal these pains b/c they have become physical. They have been physical for a long time(hard time eating)
I will never be able to thank Dr G for allowing me to grow up.
You can't repay that.
Dr G did s/thing wonderful for others, altruistic,unselfish.His life has been one of giving, if this were the ONLY thing he did.
I really want my life to be one of giving, as I get more healed.
I am not as afraid of life, as I was. Your voice is supposed to protect you, but with an abusive M, you had to protect HER, so you were naked, at the whim of everyone.
My Aunt protects herself. It is natural to her.
Abused people give up their heart and souls,in order to survive. Protecting themselves is a luxury they were not allowed.
Our souls went to the abuser, in exchange for survival.
The wisdom to deal with life has to be in you, not in expecting others to treat you in a certain way. It won't happen and can't happen b/c they are fighting their own battles.
My voice is closer to me than it ever was and I am very grateful.
Love Ami