Author Topic: Request for Leah to stay off my threads  (Read 7244 times)


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Request for Leah to stay off my threads
« on: April 25, 2008, 12:44:40 PM »
Leah -- Please stay off my threads -- do not post on them.

Please respect this request.

Thank you,


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Re: Request for Leah to stay off my threads
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2008, 01:30:06 PM »
Just keeping this bumped to the top, for just a day, so that my voice gets heard.


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Re: Request for Leah to stay off my threads
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2008, 01:41:38 PM »
You've been viewed, Gabben, 19 times. Heard is another matter.
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: Request for Leah to stay off my threads
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2008, 01:46:09 PM »
Thanks for the acknowledgement...that helps. We all need to be acknowledged...right Izzy?


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Re: Request for Leah to stay off my threads
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2008, 04:22:01 PM »
Because I can see Leah doing a covert dance routine here, to protect her image, I am going to give explanation to the reason why I want her to stay off my threads.

Leah follows me around the board reading up whatever I post and then following up with indirect posts and threads.

She posts threads in passive or covert response to my threads, knowing full well that I will be annoyed yet know one else will see what she is doing.

She is like the school room bully who picks on the good kid when know one is looking and then when the good kid tries to stand up themselves the bully pulls the victim act card.

Most of the time I ignore her.

Basically Leah has targeted me because I can see under her mask and her mask is everything for her, she has no core.

Leah in sneaky covert ways tries to paint the picture that she is the victim:

Confronted with this contrast between a polished, self-controlled, and suave abuser and her harried casualties - it is easy to reach the conclusion that the real victim is the abuser. The prey's acts of selectiveness, assertiveness, or insistence on her rights are interpreted as aggression, liability, or a mental health problem.

Abusers are thought by practitioners of psychology to be emotionally disturbed, the twisted outcomes of a history of familial violence and childhood traumas. They are typically diagnosed as suffering from a personality disorder, an inordinately low self-esteem, or codependency coupled with an endeavouring fear of abandonment. Consummate abusers use the right vocabulary and feign the appropriate "emotions" and affect and, thus, sway the evaluator's judgment.

Why does Leah rush to protect her image so much?

Bullies are adept at distorting peoples' perceptions with intent to engender a negative view of their target in the minds of family members, neighbours, friends and people in positions of officialdom and authority; this is achieved through undermining, the creation of doubts and suspicions, and the sharing of false concerns, etc. This poisoning of people's minds is difficult to counter, however explaining the game in a calm articulate manner helps people to see through the mask of deceit and to understand how and why they are being used as pawns.

Sort of like my ambient abuse thread -- Leah's behavior here is deceptive and All.

People rarely want to admit that they have been had because it involves accountability as well as it simply means that we have to face the fact that well, we have been had.

So for those of you who have been bitten before by an N, you know how crazy making and utterly frustrating they are...they do not allow for safety for anyone.

« Last Edit: April 25, 2008, 04:43:46 PM by Gabben »


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Re: Request for Leah to stay off my threads
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2008, 04:30:45 PM »
Oh yes, another thing.....most of you have a different encounter with Leah...that is why you do not see her the way I do.

She does not target everyone....only me.

She needs all of you to affirm her and reaffirm her. Her abuse is by proxy...she uses others as weapons against her targets.

I have to wonder....did many of you get PM's from Leah about me back in December? Hmmmmmmmmm is that not the famous tactic of the N...the smear campaign?

To avoid exposure of his own abusive behaviour, the abuser will begin a smear campaign against his victim often directed at her closest friends, coworkers and even family. On closer examination, the words of the abuser often reflect his own behaviour.


Abusers will ruthlessly recruit our families, closest friends, employers, colleagues and competitors in his attempt to build support for his smear campaign. Don't expect other people to understand. They don't know about this type of abuser - yet!


Your abuser has anticipated your cries and pleas of innocense against his cruel lies and expects you to retalilate. He enjoys his victim's role. He basks in the limelight of all that attention he orchestrates. He has set the bait and your strength will come from remaining 'unbaitable' against this onslaught. Hang on tight, it's going to be a very cruel and bumpy ride.

Over the course of time, this abuser’s audience will abandon him. Those he worked hard to secure by portraying the victim have left. His very actions will alienate anyone still near him. They begin to avoid him like the plague as the discrepancy of his lies and actions surfaces.


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Re: Request for Leah to stay off my threads
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2008, 04:37:50 PM »
"When Gabbenangel was a member last 2007 PRIOR to her leaving and then coming back on as a new member in Jan 2007 after leaving another board, her words of introduction."

That is a quote from Leah's thread, which is locked BTW, because she is controlling and manipulative.

First...I have never been a part of another board, that is fact....second those are not my words of introduction...I can pull up my first thread, if you'd like? Third -- I came onto the board in Nov 2007, left the board in part because you rallied the troops against me in PM land and then I came back after I realized that I gave my power away, sure made a mistake but that I was not going to let you get to me....I came back in Jan 2008.

That is a perfect example of stalking...............creepy Leah....have you been watching me?


came to board in Nov 2007

1st board ever.

Left board in Dec 2007

Came back to board in Jan 2008.

Here now and not leaving.

« Last Edit: April 25, 2008, 04:42:21 PM by Gabben »


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Re: Request for Leah to stay off my threads
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2008, 04:48:36 PM »

Gabben has stalked me around my threads and postings.   

i.e. my Threads were completely sabotaged ........

>  Envy is the Root

>  Shame Dumping and Projection

>  BPD

and many others too.

That is the truth.


I think that most people would be able to see by looking back that this is one huge distortion of truth...people who lie, like you Leah, have to perfume their posts with words like:


And little fishes that make for an innocent sweet..."I'm no bully kind of smoke screen."

I feel sorry for that little fish...he is being exploited!!
« Last Edit: April 25, 2008, 05:00:01 PM by Gabben »


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Re: Request for Leah to stay off my threads
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2008, 04:59:19 PM »
Ok Gabben-You sound like you are as mad at Leah as I am at my mom!

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: Request for Leah to stay off my threads
« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2008, 05:04:25 PM »
Hi Kelly,

I am just fed up and tired of holding back because I was afraid that people would pathologize me.....hmmmm.


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Re: Request for Leah to stay off my threads
« Reply #10 on: April 25, 2008, 05:12:30 PM »

Hi Gabben,

I'm wondering if what you are experiencing feels like gaslighting?



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Re: Request for Leah to stay off my threads
« Reply #11 on: April 25, 2008, 05:16:53 PM »
Hi tt,

Can you you mean the behavior that I am experiencing in this situation?

If so, yes.

Would you say that ambient or covert abuse is about the same thing as gaslighting?

My feeling about gaslighting is that it involves a refusal to accept responsibility or and act of blamelessness, correct?

I feel like I am and have been projected onto here for a long time. As if the unwanted parts of self are being thrown at me and then I am being picked a part in a covert way because those unwanted parts are so hated. Hope that makes sense.



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Re: Request for Leah to stay off my threads
« Reply #12 on: April 25, 2008, 06:05:18 PM »

Hi Gabben,

I haven't followed your Ambient Abuse thread.  Not clear on that part.

My limited understanding of  gaslighting is that it is a conscious effort on the part of one person to covertly shadow their targeted victim with the intention of making their victim feel that  they are imagining  the things the gaslighter is doing.  The subtext of their actions is to make their victim believe that they are out of touch with reality and for all practical purposes insane.   As I say my understanding is limited, but I think the ultimate goal is to make the victim invisible, non existent.  The action could follow the path of emotionally overshadowing the victim to the point where they are for all practical purposes non existent in the theatre of operation.   IMO, it can manifest on a continium covering everything from a cruel *practical joke to the worst imaginable actions of a psycopath.


*Example of cruel practical joke:

Husband and wife have a Sunday morning ritual.  The husband gets up, makes coffee, steps around the block to get donuts.  They have done this for a year or two.  One Sunday morning, the husband decides to scare the shit out of his wife for fun.  He gets up, makes the coffee while the wife showers.  Instead of going for donuts, he crouches in one of the kitchen cabinets.  Waits for the wife to come in.  When she moves around in the kitchen and comes to the cabinet where he is crouched, he pushes the door so that it presses on her leg.  She dismisses it the first time, but then it happens again.  She is petrified, screams, grabs a knife.  As she panics, he jumps out of the cabinet laughing, adding another surprise level of cruelty to the 'joke'.  All for fun.

In my opinion, practical jokes always have a cruel element in that the joker 'has fun' at the expense of an unsuspecting other. 


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Re: Request for Leah to stay off my threads
« Reply #13 on: April 25, 2008, 06:10:19 PM »

My limited understanding of  gaslighting is that it is a conscious effort on the part of one person to covertly shadow their targeted victim with the intention of making their victim feel that  they are imagining  the things the gaslighter is doing.  The subtext of their actions is to make their victim believe that they are out of touch with reality and for all practical purposes insane.   As I say my understanding is limited, but I think the ultimate goal is to make the victim invisible, non existent.  The action could follow the path of emotionally overshadowing the victim to the point where they are for all practical purposes non existent in the theatre of operation.   IMO, it can manifest on a continium covering everything from a cruel *practical joke to the worst imaginable actions of a psycopath.

Wow--- yes!

That is EXACTLY  what is happening here.




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Re: Request for Leah to stay off my threads
« Reply #14 on: April 25, 2008, 07:13:00 PM »


If it helps, Gabben, I think you are real,  and sane.

Keep your cool.
