What I realized, upon reflection and recollection, was, is, that my Mother, quite clearly, has only ever chosen to have continual connection and communication with those of whom are deemed as "of lessor knowledge" to that of which she may possess.
Amazing, I can remember those of whom she had treated quite cruelly actually. Always, "Put Downs" and other traits of, what I now understand more fully as "Passive-Aggressive" behaviour.
Hi Leah. It sure seems familiar to me. I wonder if in order to stay in necessary continued relationship with the parents, we learn to make ourselves into the "lesser beings" they need?
It seems they are caught in a never ending N-ish trap. They need to have other lesser beings around them. At the same time they have to abuse those others in order to feel whole. So it's a constant push-pull process. No wonder being around them feels like a hellish emotional roller coaster.
Hi SilverLining,
Thank you - I so resonate with all that you have kindly shared.
I wonder if in order to stay in necessary continued relationship with the parents, we learn to make ourselves into the "lesser beings" they need? YES! I feel validated - with regard to this experience in my life, with my parents. Simply because, "lesser beings" was indeed, what one had to be, to co-exist, survive, with my parents. They clearly despised intelligence - they denied their children, not just myself, and held them back.
My brother and I, have just recently engaged in a discussion, with regard to our parents behaviour(s), and we can run down the 'tick list' of Passive-Aggressive behaviour - with a startling realization of a 'perfect match.' Amazingly, my brother has been working through a similar 'life healing' journey of discovery, as myself.
It seems they are caught in a never ending N-ish trap. They need to have other lesser beings around them. At the same time they have to abuse those others in order to feel whole. So it's a constant push-pull process. No wonder being around them feels like a hellish emotional roller coaster.What you say is profoundly astute, and sadly, so true. Constant push-pull process - explains it perfectly. Truly, it did, does, feel like a mind bogglingly hellish emotional roller coaster.
Today, I am reminded of this excerpt:
.... They are in the business of being kind to those to whom one can feel superior. Which explains why the Ns (and FOO) took us up when we were ill, or in a vulnerable state. Their kindness depends on the other remaining in an inferior position.
They stop 'loving' and being 'kind' - being 'nice' to us -- as soon as one becomes stronger - because they never loved, they only used our weaker position to make them feel strong. Today, I remember the truth. Certainly, Mother was nice, whenever one of her children, or someone she knew, was in a 'pickle' or a low place.
Grateful thanks to you, just knowing that someone understands the experience, is so validating.
Love, Leah