My God, Elaine....
he'll behave as well as he has to.....
for as long as he has to.
When you're dependant on him.....
when you've boxed yourself in.....
and there are many ways to do that.....
that's when you'll start seeing red flags.
Forgive me for saying so, but..... you wrote:
"But my question long can a N keep up this behavior? Am I sure he can't change his behavior? He is still in therapy every other week. I would think in due time, I will start seeing the flickers, the signs, the reg flags.....and I haven't yet. He has changed his ways for two months now. That seems like a very short time frame but for him, that is a long time to maintain his composure."
it appears that your sense of morbid curiosity has you hanging around, waiting to see what'll happen?
Or is it your hope?
If it's your your hope, I suppose you're already trapped in that train seat.
I've never been one to look at accidents on the side of the road.
I'm not sure that I even can, at this time.
Why get on a train that you're pretty sure will wreck, Elaine?
Esp if there are young innocent children strapped in next to you?
Please explore, within yourself, why you haven't run away screaming from this scenario,
so that you may make better choices in your life.
AND YOU CAN MAKE BETTER CHOICES, of course you can. You deserve a loving reciprocal relationship, not an ongoing escalating nightmare that you can never wake up from.....
Please look around this board..... there are many who can help you understand.