Well, here's a tale. Kind of eyeopening for me. I'd like to share it and welcome comments/advice.
This thing that's happening between me and my gardening friend is lovely, tender and delightful. It's also illuminating some unfinished work in me. So some backstory:
He's a bit of an outsider, which I can relate to. He's also, beneath a little bit of macho, a sensitive and caring sort. He also has had some catastrophic relationships in which he was very hurt. I was drawn to him since we met, and have not been disappointed. Being close to him is a gift. He's sweet to me, cuddly, and our time together is joyful.
It's the in-between time that is challenging me to learn some more on an old theme. I take as a given that I can't get this close to someone without some vulnerability. Some feelings being stirred, and some old bruises aching a little. And that's okay. I don't expect not to feel old nerves twinging, with my own history of being very hurt. I am hoping that we are going to be doing some important healing together, for however long it lasts.
My issue is this. When we first talked about an intimate relationship, I intentionally set things up in such a way that I would be more or less a secret. I offered discretion, no possessiveness at all (other than our commitment to monogamy), and defined it as friendship. When he said he didn't really want "a girlfriend" (though that could change), and didn't picture himself marrying, I said that was okay with me.
Looking back, I realize that my efforts to be undemanding and not overwhelm him also signal a message from me to myself. I didn't realize it when I was talking to him, but I think proposed these conditions because my past experience with witholding, ambivalent men who didn't want to commit to a serious relationship told me that I would be lucky for any attention at all. Hmm. I hadn't realized why I was offering conditions to him the way I did. It has dawned on me slowly. The message from me to myself is, this is all I should hope for. Maybe...this is all I deserve. When my true yearning for the long term is to be the mate of someone who loves me so fully that they DO want me first as a girlfriend, and eventually as a wife.
A sweet but troubled younger man who envisions himself as alone in the long term? My pattern: Come to Mama. So that's contrary to my own best interests.
And how do I reconcile that with the great happiness that I feel in our "arrangement"? This, too, is healing for me. To be held, and wanted, and cuddled and close for hour upon hour. This does fulfill a large part of my dream.
I don't feel angry at him for accepting my offer. He's been just as lonely as I and needs the closeness as much as I do. And neither of us is ready for a full-tilt total commitment right away. I got the cart before the horse because my need was strong enough that I was willing to just ask the universe to let me be held. And he's a person I intuitively trust.
Today at church I intentionally didn't approach him, let him socialize afterward on his own. I also have many friends to greet and chats to share. By the end of the social hour I simply started to leave. We'd exchanged a smile but hadn't talked. He came right over, kissed me on the cheek. He is a dear lovely guy. But this is an odd situation and I realize I should not let it go on just like this for too long. It's tiggering to me, but I created the conditions. Even though my persistent dream is to have someone in my life who is proud and glad to be by my side, not only in private, but in the world.
I have basically set things up so he'll visit me and we'll have an intimate evening probabaly once a week, and garden together. But in public, it's different. And I know from past relationships that this not being acknowledged as a committed partner can get quite painful. At the same time, the reality of being with him is very happy. We talk for hours, and in this time the closeness is very real.
For now, I'm going to leave him in complete freedom to explore his own limits and feelings for me. But internally, I've set a kind of a timeline. I think I can continue on this basis for about three months, and then it will be time for a tuneup chat. If it's still the same sort of pattern, I may need to tell him what I've realized. I have feelings for him (which I've of course blurted anyway), but I really am not going to sacrifice myself. I've set up a situation that suggests I should be a "Saturday night secret", unacknowledged, and without the security and pleasure of being a partner.
So why would I continue this at all? My intuition tells me that giving him that level of freedom at least for now is critical. He too is vulnerable. He's afraid just as I am. And he has a sweet heart. He's honest, and sensitive, and I truly care for him. He's no N monster man. My hope is that in a while, he might come to feel something more solid and serious for me. If he doesn't, then I will need to withdraw for my own sake.
I know I have done things backward. But he's bringing me joy and I'm giving him some, too. For what it is, for now, I am grateful.
Hope you can stand with me as I go forward with this. Here's my intention. To be grateful to the universe for the gift of him in my life, and to trust that releasing the outcome will mean that whatever the eventual outcome is, is right.
thanks for listening,