GS - you're reinforcing your strength... like Beth, I think you need to consider updating your name! You're demonstrating your strength now... it's real, visible and tangible!

(I think I can apply your "square foot" approach to my situation, too... great idea!!)
Here's a concept for you: when I train adults who are terrified of technology, I talk a lot about the learning curve... that at first, the curve is so steep because because you have to learn all the terminology, at the same time you're processing what things look like, and how to double-click, what different kinds of tools look like and what they do/don't do. We teach this level in very small bits & pieces to not overwhelm and further frighten people. We almost always show them "undo" very early on, to give them a level of reassurance and confidence.
But then, after practicing all these little things enough times, and getting familiar with where thing are located, what they're called and how they work, the student hits a plateau - finding that they can apply the same knowledge to a new software program or website... and that once the plateau is reached, any further learning gets much, much easier. The learning curve flattens out - and you can learn easier & FASTER...
You sound like you've reached the plateau stage - and now you're able to apply what you've learned to all kinds of 3-D situations. You're able to stop yourself from continuing the old "beat yourself up" thoughts and to give yourself credit and praise for the real accomplishments of each day. Each time you do that, you're creating a new mental/feeling habit!
It's going to get a lot easier, from here on out... even when you start tackle new things.