Dear Seasons, Em, Amber, Kelly, Leah, James, Juno, Lise, Lost Kitten, GS, and Bones,
Thank you for your posts. I needed a shot of love .
I am going to tell you what happened ,with my M. It is buried in a long thread, so, usually, only people who care will bother to look.
I remembered many upsetting things about my M. Many were her saying a shocking comment to me and then leering at me with a mocking ,smirking look.
I told about the time my cousin and I(8,9) were playing with Barbies, at the kitchen table. My M asked my cousin, who was blonde, what color was her pubic hair. My stomach lurched like it does when you hear that s/one has died.
When my M would say these things(violations), my stomach would always feel the same way. It was a feeling of shock and horror.
Yesteday, I got a repressed memory. I never knew you could repress memories so you had NO idea they were there. I thought you would have a vague idea, but I had none.
I was telling my friend that I feel a heavy weight of sadness and immobility come over me when I am with women,with whom I am close . It does not happen in casual situations, such as a party.
I told him that I feel like I can't move, often, that I am underwater, trying to walk and I feel a weight of pain.
I feel like I have "neutral" emotions. Whatever I do, it does not matter b/c it is gray.
He said ,'Try to find the feelings IN the gray"
I told him about the time I had my tonsils out and my M was standing over me ,in the bathroom. I tried to take a capsule, to avoid a shot. I could not swallow it and was gagging and telling my M that I could not take it. She said,"You made your bed, you lie in it". I thought,"I am hopeless, helpless with a monster, stuck with a monster"
My friend told me to try to find the feelings and go in to them.
I felt very safe and very loved with him. That was the key. Right before, I "saw' this memory, I noted how safe I felt. Then, I saw what happened to me when I was 4-5. I was experiencing the feelings that I was having, at the time.
I was telling my friend what I was experiencing. I was saying" No,No, why, why am I so bad that this has to happen to me. I want to die."
My M masturbated in front of me, about 8 feet away from me.I was in my house in Brrokline, before we moved to a suburb of Boston, where I started Kingergarten.
I was in a room with really high ceilings and white walls ,as this house had.
The WORST part of it was my M was trying to shock me ,as she did with all her other comments .