I will, I will.
I'll report about my brother-stuff on that other thread, and save this one for the garden and budding (pun intended) relationship.
So Saturday, P appears to finish our new garden bed and says I want to take you out to dinner. Which he did, and to a lovely place. Seems to me I'm not being hid under a bushel basket! (Mangled reference...)
We had a good evening together. We're becoming more at ease. I'm still glad it's happening.
And the square foot garden beds are wonderful! One's an L-shape at the junction of two sidewalks, and then another 8-foot straight bed further down the walk. Added cucumbers and took two black metal trellises from the back yard by the terrace and attached them to the north end of the boxes. Cucumbers and beans will climb those. They look neat because they have round blue glass inserts at the tops of the arches.
Just makes me happy every time I walk past them to see those little green plants popping through the rich black mix. They amaze me. And they'll mean fresh organic veggies all summer and into fall, yum.