I guess I should add some more so that this makes sense. But I know you have all heard it before.
I called NM. She never calls, and I felt like hearing her voice to remind me what a piece of **** she is.
She went on to talk about what she bought herself- a $600 camera - AGAIN. She bought one last year because I have one and she thinks it takes good pictures (uh - maybe it is my eye that gets the good pictures????). Last month it was a new computer... and so on and so on... She also buys at QVC when she is not buying for herself at stores.
Of course my daughter's birthday is tomorrow and she didn't manage to get the presents in the mail (the usual). Also, she is giving her a pink box she made in a class. My daughter likes nothing pink. She reminded me to tell her that it is a gift, so she should like it. She also sent my son more comics from the dollar tore. She sends the same ones over and over - she likes to shop for herself, but needs to show she got something for someone else, so she gets them the same dollar store stuff over and over. The EXACT same things.
Of course, she has been out with my pregnant sister constantly and they have already named the baby as a joke. She was completely uninvolved with my pregnancies. Completely. But that is my fault for not living near them (their excuse).
I sent her a picture on the telephone of my kids getting prizes at their Tae Kwon Do championship this weekend - total disinterest. How cute, she says. But she never even called them to ask how it was.
She told a story about how she pretended to be one of my aunts she 'hates' and called up another aunt to pretend to be her and they nastily laughed at how the third aunt 'hates' her too.
Lovely person, eh????
She also wants to come and visit me in Florida because I will have a nice house with a pool.
Oh, and she remarked about how quickly my sister's med school passed and all - she has never mentioned my degree. It is 'worthless' as far as she is concerned. That is why she helped my sister through med school (well, she IS going to med school... you understand, don't you) and I got to pay my full way and pay off all my undergrad stuff too.
Ugh ugh ugh ugh.
But I did it to myself...