Author Topic: dumb as a fox  (Read 8307 times)


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dumb as a fox
« Reply #15 on: August 19, 2004, 07:02:11 PM »
Hi Somebody,

pm is private messaging, and pm'd is private messaged, that only registered people can do. That is one reason why I defiantly retain a guest identity. I am totally opposed to the system of uncensored Pming, or private messaging.

Wapos, you won't like, it contains a swear word, a it's a word I use so as not to swear around my kids, an it's also code with my friends. There is also Bar-she-whaah! but I don't use that here.

But while you're here, here's my idea for your thread on how to make this a safer more respectful place.   :D  Keep 'guest' feature, cause that's a  level playing field. But get rid of the 'private messaging' feature.

I think the message that Pheonix disclosed above just about justifies my suggestion totally.  :D  These comments would then have be directed directly towards the accused then, and the accused would a) be able defend themselves, and b) know who their discreditors are. And I think a lot less nasty suspicious dereogatory comments wopuld be made, on the whole. People would watch what they say to others more. I bet if Dr G could shake all the private mesaages out of the closets it would be astounding/horrifying/ hilarious. hahahahhaah Now that's funny thought.

But anyway, it's all a bit tongue in cheek of me.  :P  I know it ain't gonna happen. But I can dream.  :D




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dumb as a fox
« Reply #16 on: August 19, 2004, 07:09:25 PM »

Phoenix, how about asking Dr Grossman privately about board identities if you are concerned?

If you wish, you can ask him if he can confirm that I only post as Portia too

Asking Dr. G to confirm identities does nothing. The same person can log on with a different account if they have more than one active on the same computer, or they can send messages from different computers (library, Internet cafe, friend's, 2nd computer/laptop in the home, from work) and show as a different IP.

There are ways around it, and there is just no foolproof way that will let one know it is or is not the same person posting under different indentities, if /u] they don't want it known.


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dumb as a fox
« Reply #17 on: August 19, 2004, 07:15:26 PM »
Thanks CG.  I wasn't planning on registering anyway.  What for?

Hey, and keep dreaming!  That's a great thing!

Gee, I had some really messed up image of WAPOS being something strange, like a disease of the micro-neurons, or something I haven't heard of yet.  Am I relieved or what???

Sorry again anyway, Phoenix ( I just realized, after all of this time, that I have been misspelling your name- as to be expected, in my case).

I do understand that if people are playing weirdo games here, that it is very upsetting and might cause you to --- vent-- or whatever.

I deflected the insult and I am ready to make the same offer of friendship to you, if you ever decide to take it.  No hard feelings.

My garbage is as valid as the next person's and you are free to dispose of it or look for recyclables and hidden treasures, as you wish.  That's a given.


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Re: dumb as a fox
« Reply #18 on: August 19, 2004, 07:43:04 PM »
I'm sorry I just addressed one point in your post Pheonix.  :D I'm about to rectify that.  :D
Quote from: phoenix

If people feel unsafe here, this may give them further cause.

I don't feel safe or unsafe here. Safety doesn't come into it. But your comment 'this may give them further cause' seems so odd and abit liikem trying to make people paranoid to me. What are wanting to point out to 'people'? That this place is unsafe? That seems so odd. It's a cyber public place isn't it? I mean, I have no way of knowing if what you're saying is true or not unless the registered person you pm'd steps forward and confirms it. Will she/he do that. Then we can get to the bottom of this. otherwise it seems like you could just be trying to scare people off from pming? I said 'seem' please note, that's how it could see. Could the recipient of Pheonix's message step forward IN THEIR REGISTERED USER IDENTITY AND CONFIRM THAT THIS ACTUALLY TOOK PLACE. PLEASE   :D

It seems that a few things I have said in a private pm, seems to leak out- can’t imagine how-
Well back to what I've already said, it's gotta be 1 of the people you're pm'ing. Of course  :D . What's so hard to understand about that.

Just yesterday I had this to say about a person here: She must be three hundred years old to have all those experiences!
Tut tut tut. That's not very nice.  :D  Who were you talking about, by the way? hahahaha  :P ?

And lo and behold my words seem to appear in a little story, a parable, right here. Coincidence? This is not the first time, and not with the same person. So one wonders?
hahha Yes, and now it's not only 'ONE' wondering, but now it's 2 and 3 and 4 and more and even me.  :D

Who is who? What is what?
Yeah, I can see you saying you can't see what happened.  :?  That seems almost too niave of you! I know you're not dumb!  :D

Quote from: Somebody
Good Morning!

I heard something I thought was rather nice on the radio this morning:

"You're not getting older, you just need re-potting".

What a wonderful thought, really.  Yes, we just need fresh soil, extra room to spread our roots, as we age.  So our roots can get thicker and reach down deeper, hold us steady, get the H2O we need.  That refreshment will likely liven us up and green up our leaves a bit.  It would help us be the most solid people we could be and grow a little, on our way out.

A person I spoke with yesterday used to work as a lumber-jack where the huge, massive, 6 foot diameter trees grow, on this continent (spelling?).  He was very interesting to speak with.  I had no idea that such trees still exhist on this piece of earth.  Trees such as those used by different tribes to carve, or burn out, into cannoes.  I asked him how long it would take for a tree to get that big?  "Oh, probably 2, maybe 300 years", he said.Wow!!! That's a long time.  Think of the length and strength of those roots!!  Imagine standing beside such a tree.  How very awesome that must be!  "How much would it cost to buy such a tree?".  He couldn't say but it would be a lot of money.  Yes, such a tree is of great value.  Such a shame that we are not allowing the trees we now plant to grow to such a size.  This just isn't feasible to supply society's lumber needs.

Still, the idea of re-potting ourselves as we age, sounds like a step in the right direction.

Enjoy your day people.

Think this is pure imaginings?
No!  :D

Not me
Me either.

And you know what?

I wrote those words thinking they may just reappear somewhere.
So you already were suspecting that the person/s you were pming have other identities, and you were testing your theory. Very clever.  :D

Because this has happened before.
Well, then you were definitely right.

As I said, this is not the first time.
yes, that's right, you did.

Just something to think about.
Yep, I sure am thinking about it!  :roll:   And my very humble suggestion to you Pheonix. No offence intended, but his is your problem if it really happened. I' like it confirmed by the other registered user, actually, if you don't mind.

My other suggestion to you is to not worry too much about it too much.  :D  

If you're talking about people in a not very nice way in your pm's, you're placing an awful lot of trust in the people you're talking too.

I mean, you say this place is unsafe, and I agree after reading how you were discrediting someone to someone else.

And then  :D , it seems to me that you're complianing after putting yourself in that type of vulnerable position with someone you don't really know.

That's about it for me at the moment, but I thought your topic was so interesting and weird and had so many issues involved. Trust/privacy/gossipping/ discrediting, I really felt it deserved my full attention. I am responsible for your own safety here, no-one else. So I guess I gotta be happy for my words to be repeated elsewhere.

By the way, I wouldn't say I'd be silly enough to get into pming with poeple here and not expect something like you've suggested happened to not happen at some time. Especially if I was saying nasty things.  :D Never mind, it's good lesson, isn't it?  :D

take care



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dumb as a fox
« Reply #19 on: August 19, 2004, 11:07:14 PM »


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Re: dumb as a fox
« Reply #20 on: August 20, 2004, 12:10:31 AM »
Quote from: Anonymous
I'm sorry I just addressed one point in your post Pheonix.  :D I'm about to rectify that.  :D
Quote from: phoenix

If people feel unsafe here, this may give them further cause.

I don't feel safe or unsafe here. Safety doesn't come into it. But your comment 'this may give them further cause' seems so odd and abit liikem trying to make people paranoid to me. What are wanting to point out to 'people'? That this place is unsafe? That seems so odd. It's a cyber public place isn't it? I mean, I have no way of knowing if what you're saying is true or not unless the registered person you pm'd steps forward and confirms it. Will she/he do that. Then we can get to the bottom of this. otherwise it seems like you could just be trying to scare people off from pming? I said 'seem' please note, that's how it could see. Could the recipient of Pheonix's message step forward IN THEIR REGISTERED USER IDENTITY AND CONFIRM THAT THIS ACTUALLY TOOK PLACE. PLEASE   :D

It seems that a few things I have said in a private pm, seems to leak out- can’t imagine how-
Well back to what I've already said, it's gotta be 1 of the people you're pm'ing. Of course  :D . What's so hard to understand about that.

Just yesterday I had this to say about a person here: She must be three hundred years old to have all those experiences!
Tut tut tut. That's not very nice.  :D  Who were you talking about, by the way? hahahaha  :P ?

And lo and behold my words seem to appear in a little story, a parable, right here. Coincidence? This is not the first time, and not with the same person. So one wonders?
hahha Yes, and now it's not only 'ONE' wondering, but now it's 2 and 3 and 4 and more and even me.  :D

Who is who? What is what?
Yeah, I can see you saying you can't see what happened.  :?  That seems almost too niave of you! I know you're not dumb!  :D

Quote from: Somebody
Good Morning!

I heard something I thought was rather nice on the radio this morning:

"You're not getting older, you just need re-potting".

What a wonderful thought, really.  Yes, we just need fresh soil, extra room to spread our roots, as we age.  So our roots can get thicker and reach down deeper, hold us steady, get the H2O we need.  That refreshment will likely liven us up and green up our leaves a bit.  It would help us be the most solid people we could be and grow a little, on our way out.

A person I spoke with yesterday used to work as a lumber-jack where the huge, massive, 6 foot diameter trees grow, on this continent (spelling?).  He was very interesting to speak with.  I had no idea that such trees still exhist on this piece of earth.  Trees such as those used by different tribes to carve, or burn out, into cannoes.  I asked him how long it would take for a tree to get that big?  "Oh, probably 2, maybe 300 years", he said.Wow!!! That's a long time.  Think of the length and strength of those roots!!  Imagine standing beside such a tree.  How very awesome that must be!  "How much would it cost to buy such a tree?".  He couldn't say but it would be a lot of money.  Yes, such a tree is of great value.  Such a shame that we are not allowing the trees we now plant to grow to such a size.  This just isn't feasible to supply society's lumber needs.

Still, the idea of re-potting ourselves as we age, sounds like a step in the right direction.

Enjoy your day people.

Think this is pure imaginings?
No!  :D

Not me
Me either.

And you know what?

I wrote those words thinking they may just reappear somewhere.
So you already were suspecting that the person/s you were pming have other identities, and you were testing your theory. Very clever.  :D

Because this has happened before.
Well, then you were definitely right.

As I said, this is not the first time.
yes, that's right, you did.

Just something to think about.
Yep, I sure am thinking about it!  :roll:   And my very humble suggestion to you Pheonix. No offence intended, but his is your problem if it really happened. I' like it confirmed by the other registered user, actually, if you don't mind.

My other suggestion to you is to not worry too much about it too much.  :D  

If you're talking about people in a not very nice way in your pm's, you're placing an awful lot of trust in the people you're talking too.

I mean, you say this place is unsafe, and I agree after reading how you were discrediting someone to someone else.

And then  :D , it seems to me that you're complianing after putting yourself in that type of vulnerable position with someone you don't really know.

That's about it for me at the moment, but I thought your topic was so interesting and weird and had so many issues involved. Trust/privacy/gossipping/ discrediting, I really felt it deserved my full attention. I am responsible for your own safety here, no-one else. So I guess I gotta be happy for my words to be repeated elsewhere.

By the way, I wouldn't say I'd be silly enough to get into pming with poeple here and not expect something like you've suggested happened to not happen at some time. Especially if I was saying nasty things.  :D Never mind, it's good lesson, isn't it?  :D

take care


Hi Pheonix  :D , CG  :D  again I'm back  :D . Another thought I wanted to add to my thoughts above. hahaha   :D  I'm really working hard for you herre, on trying to help you solve this one Pheonix. Because if it really did happen, like you say hacking and untrustworthy people upstairs maybe????  then it is too   :shock:  weird.

This is my other idea  :idea:

Maybe I was too qquick in assuming it was your mate you were gossiping to  :D .

Maybe it wasn't the the person you pm'd your (not so nice  :oops: ) comment to at all  :D  .

But maybe, just maybe they are also caught up in their own little 'seperate from you 'pm'ing circle that talks about people too!  :D  

In which case, maybe your mate quoted  your comment to one of their pm mates, and  and therr you have it! Problem solved.  :D There is your leak.  :D

But, and can I let out big belly laugh here, hahahahaha, to think that anyone could be bthered to hack into any pm's here, hahahha, and specifically, yours!!!!! Sorry Phoenix, it is funny, but that is a little bit too off the planet and seems a bit grandiose and paranoid don't ya think?  :D . Just 'seems' mind you, is all I said.

But seeing as I assume you don't have the code for space shuttle launch locked in your pm box here  :D  hahah (joke), do you think your pm's are that influential/interesting/rivetting/desirable/enlightening???  :D  :D
Anyway, that wasn't meant to offend, but really!!! I mean that in the nicest and the most lighthearted possible way to help you see how silly it all is.

It's so simple. You gossiped and it did the gossip loop and came back and stared you in the face coming out of someone elses post.  :shock:  :D  

And now not only has it got you a wee bit paranoid, but your trying to share your paranoia around. Don't worry, it's okay, just learn. Like you said, it's all paer airoplanes. And I will add, learning.



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dumb as a fox
« Reply #21 on: August 20, 2004, 12:34:58 AM »


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Re: dumb as a fox
« Reply #22 on: August 20, 2004, 02:49:07 AM »
Hi Pheonix, yeah my posts put me to sleep too!  :D  :D  hahahaha

But I forgot to say just one more very wee thing! I forgot to ask this one eensy weensy liddle question?  :?:  :?:  :?:  :D  you said this

Quote from: phoenix
"This is not the first time, and not with the same person. Who is who? What is what?"[/size]

My simple dumb question is this. "How do you 'know' it's not the same person :?:  :shock:  :idea:  :shock:  :idea:  :shock:  It could be. I was just wondering if that thought occurred to you? :D  

You seem so sure 'they' are different people. why? Anyhow, just curious, and this one has really perplexed and  puzzled me today. it is too weird. And I gotta say, this is no small issue you've raised.  :D  Hacking or :!:  hahahahhaha  :oops: I actually thought you may have been suggesting that thereis  a loon at the steering wheel in voiclessness's head office  :D  ? Hey, maybe we should ask Dr G if he has started any new staff recently?  :D  Nope.  Silly.  :D  I really don't believe for one minute it would come from there  :D . As you were Dr G.  :D  I've deemed you 'In the clear and free from suspicion.'  :D hahahah. There's a first.

(((((((((hugs Dr G))))))))))))))

But Pheonix, it's a serious question. How do you know they are not the are same people?



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dumb as a fox
« Reply #23 on: August 20, 2004, 03:15:51 AM »


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dumb as a fox
« Reply #24 on: August 20, 2004, 03:59:24 AM »
Hi Pheonix, I'm so sorry you think I'm needling and picking at you. I'm not.   :D

But you came into my life here, not the other way round. I was never even introduced to you and you've has just so very much derogatory stuff to say about me, a person you don't know at all.  :D  That seems so weird to me, why you've given me scuh a hard time. I still don't understand, because I never had a problem with you at all.  :D  

So I'd like to say, as gently as I can, I haven't been able to help but notice that you seem to be constantly drawing wrong conclusions and making false accusations about me,  :oops: and sometimes others, and I don't mean to be hurtful, but Pheonix,  :shock: you do regularly draw some very long bows!  :oops:  

This is place of learning, and I've noticed and been the recipient of you doing this often. So yes, I'm drawing your attention to it, NOW  :D ! HERE  :D ! as nicely as possible. I want you to stop talking badly about me on this board, please.

If you're emabarrassd by me asking you that, I'm sorry, but Hey sunshine,  :D but I feel you've kinda given me the right to ask and comment here.

I;'m saying it here, because you're doing it again to someone else here, and I know what it feels like, and how unrelenting you can be, when you're misfiring.

And also, and I say this with no malice or ill-intent, in my above posts, I was just trying to help you see the  :D  obvious, and point out maybe a more credible alternative to the unnerving conclusions that you seemed to have immediately jumped to. But as usual  :cry:  you've imputed the worst possible motives to me. I feel to tell you, it's your MO unfortuantely. And you've done that with me so often recently too, I can say that.

The point really is, that if there was a leak, it's not the boogey man or a mystery hacker or Dr G. It's just your friend, or a friend of friend. or a coincidence. No big conspiracy happening, I don't think. But when you have a conspiracy theory you really don't hold back, do you? It's really quite frequent and regular too. Sometimes it seems like you're trying to pretend to be the 'all-seeing eye'. You could relieve yourself of that impossible task here, because you're not.

And I repeat, because I've been just the same type of victim of this accusatory suspicious conspiratorial rumour-mongering side of you, that has caused me some (not much  :D  but some) sadness and grief, I really believe I have a right to comment here in this thread, especially when I see you doing again to someone else what you've tried to do to me.   :D  

It's also a part of my learning, and expressing myself in a polite but firm way and being kind. How am I doing?

And I surprised even myself  :D  , when I was kinda feeling sorry about you and your misplaced accusations, and the paranoia you seem to live with, and last but not least, your latest unfounded acusations. I am beginning to wonder if it ever ends with you? But anyhow  :(  , I'll leave that one with you.  :D

It can be a great place of healing and enocuragment if you quit trying to overrule and stop constantly straining at the speck in other's eyes here, and just go about working on your own healing and issues. But when people are constantly haranguing and harassing and putting me down on daily basis, they begin to interfere with my healing. And I haven't liked you doing. It's not your place or your job to do it here.

So can we all get on with being polite and maybe even nice to each other. Bringing offensive things out into the open, in spirit of warmth, which is what I'm trying to achieve here, and leave each other to get on with our own stuff, like healing one day at a time, and not keep creating phantom boogey men, that just don't exist, for everyone to begin to worry about and watch for. Please?  :D Anyone doing that just railroads and sidetracks people from the main game here, which is to get on with their own healing issues.  :(  

(((((((((Hugs Pheonix)))))))))



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dumb as a fox
« Reply #25 on: August 20, 2004, 08:33:38 AM »
Now I’m wondering. So instead of sitting here wondering, I’ll ask the questions that are bugging me, slightly. On page one:

Discounted Girl said:
I don't think anyone has hacked into Dr. G's PM construction so much as the same PM to mulitiple persons creates a temptation to the game player. Don't PM everyone the same. Change it up a little. That would be your evidence. It is sometimes kind of fun to play "who done it," doncha think?

And Phoenix said, in reply I think:
I know what you are refering to. That was back then. Since then, my pm's are few and far between and singular. Phoenix
A long time ago, I sent out a huge PM to several registered users. It was ages ago. I thought I was in such a mess and didn’t think I could post on the board. I wonder are either of you thinking about that PM of mine? :?:

I sort of doubt it. I only did it the once, I think. And it was the same PM to everyone. I didn’t change it for different users. Hmmm. So, probably not me. But still, I wonder. Curious. I’d like to know.

And I also wonder because I sent you, Discounted Girl, a PM yesterday. After that I came to this thread and thought hey, I shoulda posted it on the board. I shouldn’t be sending any PMs right now, not if folks are getting fired up about them. So now I wonder if you’ve taken my PM as something other than I intended? :?:  So I better say so. And I better say it right here. I’m tempted to post the PM here! But then, I think as you now have that PM, that’s your prerogative, not mine. That’s weird….why should it be your prerogative…I guess it’s like a letter.  :idea: If I mail you a letter, once it reaches your hands, you’re the owner. You have the responsibility of what to do, or not do, with it. Yeah, that makes sense.

Now I wonder should I send that PM that I asked a member for advice about? No way, not now, I’m paranoid about PMs now. No more PMs for the moment.

What buttons of mine are being pushed here? Secrets I guess. Being talked about. Being on the outside. Not knowing what’s going on. Feeling left out. Feeling deliberately kept in the dark. Feeling like everyone knows expect me. Yep, that’s all my sh*t. So best to get it out. Chunk. Straight on the board.

Was it Somebody who said elsewhere about ‘Don’t panic’? I use that. I also use, to myself, ‘get a grip’ and ‘grow up’. They only work sometimes.

Hey CG. I recently told D on PM what wapos meant.  :!: Just so you know. But as you haven’t spelt it out here (why not?) I won’t tell anyone else! Hey, how old am I right now…age about ….er…this high?



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dumb as a fox
« Reply #26 on: August 20, 2004, 09:58:07 AM »
My view on PMs. They are fine. I have sent and received very few but there was nothing wrong with doing it. If anyone gossips in a PM, who cares. I don't care if people are totally trashing me in their PMs to each other. Knock yourselves out. I don't see PMs as any problem. I also am skeptical about any hacking but if Phoenix is apprehensive about it, that's her prerogative. I don't think calling people paranoid is respectful at all. It's an extreme label of pathology and I think unnecessary and inappropriate.

my 2 cents,

Discounted Girl

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dumb as a fox
« Reply #27 on: August 20, 2004, 12:35:41 PM »
Yo sweet little Portia ... no way, I was not thinking about you at all when I said that. I didn't even remember your multiple recipient pm. Let me tell you that (since I have been away from the board I am not very familiar with many of the new members) I totally trust you and Phoenix (wonder where Seeker went). And, I might as well say it, I think Phoenix is pretty much accurate in her observations. She knows what she said and to whom, etc., and if she thinks some board poster is messin' with her, I believe her. I have always thought there are far fewer "people" than the number of posters. You can sometimes tell who is the same poster by their spelling and personality of writing, grammar and even punctuation. I have seen some posts replying to another that I was sure was the same person arguing with themself. I don't give a flyin' rip, it's just that it reduces that person's credibility and creates suspicion. I do however think it's kinda sleezy when I see a kind poster come to their aid, rendering support and comfort, when it's all a big game. It's like they are taking advantage of the kindness of the person offering support and encouragement, and I wonder if they are sitting in a dark room somewhere snickering at their innocence. At those times I have looked at the words and thought "you are a bit of a dirty dog to play so unfairly." But, bottom line, can cyber sticks and stones hurt you after what we have been through in the flesh and blood? I don't think so.

To PM or not PM, ah, that is the question. You are straining the quality of your mercy again my dear  :P

You said you worry about being left out, deliberately kept in the dark, out of the loop so to speak. That's ok, what's wrong with having those feelings? I sometimes feel like I am ignored on this board -- I see trivial remarks receiving replies, and mine (sometimes trivial, but mostly not) roll over to another page and on without an acknowledgement. Sometimes I wonder if my "submit" key works.   :roll:

I still say that some of those who appear to have "left" are still very much here and active. But that's ok isn't it? After all the crap I tolerated from that nasty old NQueen, a little cyber deceit is mild by comparison.

I am really curious as to what WAPOS means. Please someone tell me. I know what SNAFU stands for.

I feel I should say: Everybody loves SOMEBODY sometimes.


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dumb as a fox
« Reply #28 on: August 20, 2004, 01:15:40 PM »
Oh Discounted Girl you are surely a girl after my own heart!!

I am not sure whether to take your words as truth, false, kind, not, joking or real serious ("everybody loves Somebody sometime") but I will try really, really hard to remember not to discount what you have to say in future and you gave me a good giggle today during my afternoon coffee break.  For that, I thank you very sincerely.

What an awful feeling that must be, to feel so discounted, or, maybe it's just your perception of what is being counted or not, I can't say because I sure don't know who counts what or when.  I want you to believe that I count you, because you are a good person who is just as countable as any,  but I know I have no way of ensuring that you will believe this and especially, that you will believe it about yourself and if there is a way, I don't know what it is.

I do know that Phoenix is wrong about me being a hacker or an instigator of trouble or anything nasty or that I am anybody else other than me.  Whoever is doing all this multiple-personality-posting is probably needing some needs met that I have no idea what to do about but I can see one thing pretty clearly, the behaviour is indeed creating chaos.

Why let this go on?  Take each poster as an individual and let the mpper's get their jollies whatever way they must.  Who give two nickles anyhow?
I sure don't.

There seem to be doogooders and villians and coocoos and sensibles all mixing in here and making this place seem like a real place, and to some, a scary place.

But it's not.  It's cyberspace and there are no ground rules and no way of enforcing any that we may like to see implemented.

Why get so worked up about such stupidness and get all in a frenzie for the shear entertainment of some nutbar??

My vote is:  Please forgive me for anything I've done that is disrespectful or that you have perceived to be disrespectful to you Phoenix and let's just get on with healing.

Shall we??


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dumb as a fox
« Reply #29 on: August 20, 2004, 08:08:45 PM »
Quote from: bunny
. I don't think calling people paranoid is respectful at all. It's an extreme label of pathology and I think unnecessary and inappropriate.

my 2 cents,

Hi bunny, :D
I was just wondering, were talking about me and my messages to Pheonix here in your comment.

I've gone back and checked to see if I called her paranoid, and I couldn't find that I did. However I did say 'seems' very often, that her xxxx 'seems' like paranoia. There is a huge difference between saying what someone is doing seems like paranoia and saying someone is paranoid.

One is labelling the person, the other is labelling the behaviour.

From all of my therapy and counselling and reading, this type of communication, addressing the behaviour, with both adults and even with children is perfectly acceptable and responsible and respectful and considerate.

But nevertheless, if it was me you were you referring to, would you mind pointing out exactly where you saw I called her a paranoid person. As I said, I can't find it, and if I did, I'll apologise to her. It was definitely not what I meant or wanted to say at all. Thankyou.