Hi Pheonix, I'm so sorry you think I'm needling and picking at you. I'm not.
But you came into my life here, not the other way round. I was never even introduced to you and you've has just so very much derogatory stuff to say about me, a person you don't know at all.

That seems so weird to me, why you've given me scuh a hard time. I still don't understand, because I never had a problem with you at all.
So I'd like to say, as gently as I can, I haven't been able to help but notice that you seem to be constantly drawing wrong conclusions and making false accusations about me,

and sometimes others, and I don't mean to be hurtful, but Pheonix,

you do regularly draw some very long bows!
This is place of learning, and I've noticed and been the recipient of you doing this often. So yes, I'm drawing your attention to it, NOW


! as nicely as possible. I want you to stop talking badly about me on this board, please.
If you're emabarrassd by me asking you that, I'm sorry, but Hey sunshine,

but I feel you've kinda given me the right to ask and comment here.
I;'m saying it here, because you're doing it again to someone else here, and I know what it feels like, and how unrelenting you can be, when you're misfiring.
And also, and I say this with no malice or ill-intent, in my above posts, I was just trying to help you see the

obvious, and point out maybe a more credible alternative to the unnerving conclusions that you seemed to have immediately jumped to. But as usual

you've imputed the worst possible motives to me. I feel to tell you, it's your MO unfortuantely. And you've done that with me so often recently too, I can say that.
The point really is, that if there was a leak, it's not the boogey man or a mystery hacker or Dr G. It's just your friend, or a friend of friend. or a coincidence. No big conspiracy happening, I don't think. But when you have a conspiracy theory you really don't hold back, do you? It's really quite frequent and regular too. Sometimes it seems like you're trying to pretend to be the 'all-seeing eye'. You could relieve yourself of that impossible task here, because you're not.
And I repeat, because I've been just the same type of victim of this accusatory suspicious conspiratorial rumour-mongering side of you, that has caused me some (not much

but some) sadness and grief, I really believe I have a right to comment here in this thread, especially when I see you doing again to someone else what you've tried to do to me.
It's also a part of my learning, and expressing myself in a polite but firm way and being kind. How am I doing?
And I surprised even myself

, when I was kinda feeling sorry about you and your misplaced accusations, and the paranoia you seem to live with, and last but not least, your latest unfounded acusations. I am beginning to wonder if it ever ends with you? But anyhow

, I'll leave that one with you.
It can be a great place of healing and enocuragment if you quit trying to overrule and stop constantly straining at the speck in other's eyes here, and just go about working on your own healing and issues. But when people are constantly haranguing and harassing and putting me down on daily basis, they begin to interfere with my healing. And I haven't liked you doing. It's not your place or your job to do it here.
So can we all get on with being polite and maybe even nice to each other. Bringing offensive things out into the open, in spirit of warmth, which is what I'm trying to achieve here, and leave each other to get on with our own stuff, like healing one day at a time, and not keep creating phantom boogey men, that just don't exist, for everyone to begin to worry about and watch for. Please?

Anyone doing that just railroads and sidetracks people from the main game here, which is to get on with their own healing issues.
(((((((((Hugs Pheonix)))))))))