Author Topic: Is it just me or do others feel this way as well.....  (Read 3696 times)


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Is it just me or do others feel this way as well.....
« on: May 24, 2008, 09:49:53 AM »
I was thinking.  Sometimes when I come here and read about the injustices of it all it brings me down.  Maybe because I have lived in a prison for so many years and because sometimes I just do not think I will EVER get out - completely.  There will always be guilt thrown at me.  There will always be blame thrown at me.  I will always be afraid of the future and I will be overwhelmed by the day to day responsibilities..........

Does anyone else work 40-45 hours a week.  Maintain a home.  Take care of children.  Be all things to all people.  Live with a legacy of shame, guilt, projection, invalidation, voicelessness.etc. and be happy and fulfilled and content?

Is it just because I am perimenopausal that everything seems overwhelming to me? 

Sometimes when I read what others are going through and I realize what I am going through...............I just want to run to my comfortable bed and pull the covers over my head and sleep...........and cozy up..........but the laundry calls my name.  And the litter box.  And the dishes.  And the toys.  SS-I know you know.....

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Re: Is it just me or do others feel this way as well.....
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2008, 01:04:06 PM »
Dear Kelly,
 I stayed home with kids and didn't work, so I can't respond to the working while having kids. I can only imagine how hard that would be . My heart goes out to you, on that one. I have great admiration for you, Kelly.
 One thing I can say about the emotional part. I have taken my NM with me,in my head, for my whole life. It did not matter that I was far away. She was in my head and ruining my life. Her legacy controlled me. Only now am I breaking free.' 
 The emotional wounds don't go away .
 Having other stresses makes them worse, but they are always there, destroying you.
 Now, for the first time ,  I  am healing. The board was the start and now Alice Miller, The Primal Scream and my wonderful friend ,James, have shown me the map out.
 I will do whatever is needed to get free of her legacy. She is a curse, a person who brings horror wherever she goes. I have been in denial,so I was in a prison where she held the keys.
 Now, I am taking th keys back, for the first time.
I hope my post is OK b/c it was not really on your exact topic. I appreciate you very much ,Kelly.    Love    Ami
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Re: Is it just me or do others feel this way as well.....
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2008, 02:41:36 PM »
I think the world's full of women/people who work hard, raise autistic and challenged and typical children, work outside the home, deal with illness, run the household and battle chaos from partners and FOO that create more burdens than would seem possible to endure.

Every day..... more than anyone can count.

The people who have a sense of right and wrong.... who care about children and responsibility...... are out there along with the people who work hard to tear it all apart for no reason that makes logical sense.



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Re: Is it just me or do others feel this way as well.....
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2008, 03:10:26 PM »
Dear OC

I used to have every day filled with work, dashing here and there, raising a little girl, then things happened and suddenly I am old and don't have to work, but do, part-time to have a responsibility.

My inner self is finally at peace and I take one day at a time, without any BIG things to do, and think, tho' I don't fear death, that it will be my next learning experience.

I will come back and be a ghost writer here for all of you and let you know about the other side and why women are smarter and stronger than men!
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: Is it just me or do others feel this way as well.....
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2008, 08:30:56 PM »
Well, thanks for all the good advise.  I am so afraid of jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire.  I did it once before.  Left and got a job that had me there 12 hours per day..................9 to 9......I could have handled it from like 6 am to 6pm..........BUT,,,,,,,,,,,,if I stay I endure the constant water torture of being with my aging mom.  If I go I enter the world of unknown............but the last job I applied for the guy told me there is always a learning curve in a new job.  A time when you walk out and think I WILL ALWAYS BE THE NEW GIRL = NO ONE KNOWS ME OR LIKES ME....I AM ALL ALONE.............AND IN A COUPLE YEARS YOU ARE ONE OF THE CLUB AND YOU HAVE SUCCESSFULLY LEFT YOUR FORMER LIFE.

I DO have a house cleaner now which takes a whole bunch of the stress off.  My d is older.  My h is still a drunk but at least he stays at home and doesn't rage like he used to.....

I do feel a bit better.........

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Re: Is it just me or do others feel this way as well.....
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2008, 11:58:00 PM »

I know it's hard and you're overwhelmed all the time. 

I'm so sorry your mother and husband can't do any better, but I don't think they can.

::looking forward to your message from the other side, Izz::



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Re: Is it just me or do others feel this way as well.....
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2008, 10:57:03 AM »
I think for my H it has become a habit.  If he mows the lawn he has a few beers.  If he is sad about his mom passing - he has a few beers.  If ANYTHING - he has a few beers.  He used to trick me into going out with him.  We used to belly up to a bar and he would pound beers and I would get bored with his constant droning and want to go home.  So now he asks if I want to go to our favorite Mexican restaurant.  Then when we get there he pounds a beer and another and another before we even order.  We could order earlier but he doesn't look at the menu............he just drones on and on about topics we have already discussed.  Something is wrong with him socially.  His diaglogue is predictable....

But my point on this thread is not so much that I am overwhelmed (but I DO tend to be.............) but that sometimes it gets me worked up.  When we have conflict on the board, it is exhausting.  When I read about people and the injustices that happen to them - it plain makes me mad!  When I tell others about my frustrations it works me up.  I just want to be able to get past all this stuff.  Sometimes I think just being here makes it worse from time to time........almost like wallowing in my self pity.  Having other people go through the same thing helps me to know I am not alone - BUT...................

Awhile back people got frustrated with me because I stay stuck...............but maybe I live in a comfort zone of stupidity!!

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Re: Is it just me or do others feel this way as well.....
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2008, 10:59:32 AM »
Read The Primal Scream by Janov, Kelly .It answered most of my 'Why?" questions. How did I get like this? How can I change back to "normal'? How can I undo the abuse?
Did the Alice Miller website help you, Kelly? Did it give you comfort and a sense of trust in yourself? It did for me.      Love   Ami
« Last Edit: May 25, 2008, 11:08:53 AM by Ami »
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
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Re: Is it just me or do others feel this way as well.....
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2008, 11:21:33 AM »
Awhile back people got frustrated with me because I stay stuck...............but maybe I live in a comfort zone of stupidity!!

Well, you seem to be getting un-stuck now!


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Re: Is it just me or do others feel this way as well.....
« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2008, 12:22:15 PM »
Ami:  As I was reading in the Alice Miller website it made me realize that not only is my mom a mean spirited, controlling n...........but my father and his corporal punishment was wrong.  My dad was a spanker when I was little.  He would take his belt off even.....I have memories of getting paddled.  But my dad didn't play the mind games with me that my mom did......

But now I know that even my dad blames me (not my mom) for the conflict............or maybe both of us but he wants me to take the high road and just do as she says.  No, dad....will not do it!! 

But no, Ami, I do not think it makes me better.  It makes me mad.  It makes me all the more aware that I have lived with injustice ALL my life.  My H was talking about getting thumped on the head by a teacher and his parents called the least they defended him.....................mine would not have called.  They would have asked me what I did wrong to provoke the teacher...

Now that I think of it, my dad was really NOT there as a mom did as little as she could but really was more responsible for me.  When I got old enough to know better my mom was off making her bucks and my dad took me out to eat every night.

And Juno?  Stuck/Unstuck.  I have been going through this awful anxiety since 2001.  I blew up!!  But I cannot seem to escape.  I did get another $400 from V4L so I think this business will help me.  Even if I take a pay cut from the new job if I get it I will have enough extra money to get me by.....hopefully.

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Re: Is it just me or do others feel this way as well.....
« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2008, 02:51:03 PM »
Dear Kelly
 Part of the healing IS getting mad b/c you have reason to be mad. We stay sick when we don't get angry, according to Alice.
 Your anger is real and "normal" for all you have experienced, Kelly.We will be healthy when we can re-connect with our feelings. We are "sick" when we are disconnected from them and ,hence, ourselves. Does this make sense, Kelly?
              Love   Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Is it just me or do others feel this way as well.....
« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2008, 06:37:31 PM »
Oh it makes more than sense, Ami.....but my point is I have been feeling this anger for a good six or seven years.  I feel it so much that when I see my mom, I start aching.  My blood pressure is high.  I gained weight.  I have high cholesterol.  My triglycerides are high.  My sugar levels are high.  I am depressed.  So I read this book and they talk about having too much stress is bad on your body and all of the above things happen.  It was a eureka moment!!  Aha!!  That is why I am so sick.  My stress and anger have gotten the best of me.

Then I think.  I am wallowing in my anger.  It is like by working with my mom I keep sticking my hand in the fire.  I haven't learned that by doing that I am going to get burned.  I have gotten burned over and over and over again.  It is ridiculous.....

But I think maybe I am answering my own question.  Is it getting old?  Yes.  Why is it getting old?  Because I keep sitting in my pickle am a pickle!!!

Now I need to make my move and hopefully then I can come onto this board with stories of healing and contentment and happiness......

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: Is it just me or do others feel this way as well.....
« Reply #12 on: May 25, 2008, 08:44:01 PM »
Dear OC

I lived with 2 alcoholics (not at the same time) and that was very stressful for me. One was an A and the other was an P/N+A.

Can you honestly say that you love your husband and can endure his disease and behaviour for the rest of your married life?

I have a friend, since 1967, Joan and we are so attuned to one another. I am so far away but we are still in touch. When I rented a house '67, I had the downstairs I could rent out and she and her husband moved in with their 3 girls. Joan and I had been workmates. Lou is an alcoholic. They are in love. They shared the death of their only son 'Butch', leukemia, when Joan would drive to Toronto almost every night to see him and Lou never went. He stayed home with the girls and drank. I did all the work around the house. When their girls messed up the playroom in the basement, I cleaned it up. I kept all the common areas clean, as well as my own place. I put the storm windows on in the Fall and took them off in the spring, while Lou drank. I painted and laid carpet while Joan let her housework go and the 3 girls wet the bed and Lou drank. One evening she was out and I had to  diaper the girls before bed as Lou was on the sofa drunk.

Now this was different for me than having my own S,O. drunk. He worked and then after over a year of living below me, they left for another city because of his transfer. I was sad. They left on May 31, 1969, a Saturday and Lou was still drinking while Joan was pregnant with another child, One week later I was in the car crash. I so missed my friends, Joan and Lou. and called them from the 'dying room'. Joan came, still pregnant then had another girl and one day Lou was having a beer and said to himself, "I don't need this' and he poured the rest on the ground and hasn't had a drink since . 35 + years sober.

That is the only happy ending I know, about a longtime alcoholic and the loved they shared, They have gone through all that plus her mastectomy, and his many injuries at work, his heart attack, yet they drove 2000 miles to see me in 2004. and they were both gray and older looking and I looked the same as in 1969. (Joan swore to that, bit it's is not really true.) They were still in love and that's 41 years that I have known them.

That is  a lot to type, but I cannot see that either of my As would have done that. Would yours?  Does this cause you unending stress? Truth Now!

I know there are other things that overwhelm you. That anger at your mom must go! (When I lost all my feelings of resentment and anger, my blood pressure went right down.)

Definitely ! Stress can cause any number of bodily aches, pains and whatevers. With the N, my neck pained so much I went to a chiropracter--I knew it was the N but this was time away from him---) That helped a bit, but when I left him, many aches and pains disappeared.

So now you, the pickle, are seeing that you will come to this board with some contentment and peace!! Good for you! And now the way you will do it?

The choice is yours and yours alone. No one else can make it for you. Everyone here could send happy ending stories, but you and your husband are not Joan and Lou.

I don't know what to say about your weight. The picture I saw of you...last year....? you looked great to me. You are not the 2000# woman who cannot get out of bed.

I suggest that sometimes you take a rest from all the people/books telling you what to do and figure out what feels best for yourself. See if it works!

You have always been good to me and this is the longest I've written to one particular person.

All that raises the question, "When will you leave your mother and husband?"
If that is not right, "When will you go to Al-Anon and perhaps find a way?"
If that is not right, "When and how can you tell him that you love him but he hurts you every day and it's destroying you?!!!!!"

If nothing is right then just kindly tell me I just don't understand!

Good Luck. You can Overcome!
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: Is it just me or do others feel this way as well.....
« Reply #13 on: May 25, 2008, 10:36:40 PM »
Boy that was a great long post Iz.  Some great insight from you.  If I could afford to I think I would leave.  I know he loves me and I am fond of him but not of his drinking or his redundancy.  I believe if this job at Borders is to be it will.  If they offer me the job I would be tempted to take it.  The frustration would ease up I am sure.  Maybe then the worst thing would be the drinking.  I figure he will die-he smokes and has not been to the doc once since I met him 7 years ago.

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Re: Is it just me or do others feel this way as well.....
« Reply #14 on: May 26, 2008, 08:47:00 PM »
Thinking of you, Kelly.Sending  thoughts of peace  your way! Look forward to updates.       Love    Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung