ARTICLE: Below is a message from Debbie Ford's newsletter. Debbie is a spiritual teacher that helps others become aware of their shadow (what we deny about ourselves) and how to accept and love ourselves by making it conscious. She has a lot of great books and resources available on her website at
Are You Hating Your Imperfections?
by Debbie Ford
How does the rejection of parts of who you are act as an excuse for why you are not living the life of your dreams? How do you belittle yourself, minimize yourself, talk bad about yourself, or hide your gifts? All of those come as a result of feeling somehow that you're wrong, you're bad or you're not good enough.
We must deal with the shadows that lurk beneath the surface of our conscious mind which drive us to point fingers at ourselves, criticizing ourselves for every bad choice we've ever made. And remember! To reject any part of ourselves is to reject that in all those around us and all those in the world who carry that same flaw or imperfection. In most instances, this means we're rejecting 6.7 billion people. We can see where that's heading.Ultimately, the solution lies in this question: "How can I love myself?" How can I love myself when I'm tired, old, angry, sick, broke or bored? How can I love myself when I'm alone, with somebody I can't stand, have a child acting out, or my heart aches?
This is the spiritual journey we have all signed up for. It's not an accident but rather a well-designed plan to get you to your spiritual high, to get you looking through G-d's eyes, looking through spirit's eyes, standing in the collective heart rather than the miserable, discontented, wounded ego.
This week, I charge you with using your spiritual eyes and your big delicious collective heart to find love for that which you have judged, disdained, disliked and rejected in yourself.
Love Your Imperfections
I'm sure you've noticed by now that humans are imperfect. We make mistakes. We're works in progress. And while most of us strive endlessly to make ourselves perfect, I've yet to meet a human being without flaws.
To the degree that we're able to love and accept ourselves in spite of our imperfections, we'll be able to extend this love and acceptance to others. And the more we love ourselves and others, the more easily we'll manifest the things we desire most in life.
Self-acceptance is the most generous gift we can offer ourselves.
This week, make a list of all the things you've disliked, resisted, or judged the most about yourself.As you read over your list, pause before each item and say to yourself, "I'm worthy of my own love and acceptance, even though I _____________." For example: "I'm worthy of my own love and acceptance even though I'm 25 pounds overweight"; "I'm worthy of my own love and acceptance even though I don't have a job"; "I'm worthy of my own love and acceptance even though I feel lonely."Read your list each day, pausing after each statement to breathe in your words, then move to the next item on your list.
Hope you all have a beautiful week and take very good care of yourselves. Please pass this on to everyone you feel may benefit.
With love and blessings,