Dear Ami,
As I have been reading the board today I have been feeling sadness for the loss of our friendship. It is difficult for me to cut ties with people, that was not my intention, even in the moment of my anger.
If I am holding anger and hatred towards others then I have evil in my heart. If I am judging others then I am coming from a place of unhealed evil.
At the same time I can also hold love in my heart, I'm a mix of good and bad.
In one days time I can judge, criticize, tolerate, love, feel compassion, be unselfish, be selfish, carrying anger and carry forgiveness.
For me it is a practice to love and a practice to grow away from intolerance towards a deep and abiding Mercy for all...not easy but it is my goal and a goal worth everything to me.
Through my intense year of healing,which I am just coming through the otherside of, I am learning that the more deeply convicted of God's Mercy for everyone the more peace I will have.
I accept you, good and bad, just the way I have learned to accept myself, the good and the bad.
It is painful for me to ever ignore someone...really, I struggle with that because as a child I was deeply invalidated and ignored, therefore, I have no wish to ever see anyone suffer that way.
Peace and love to you.