Author Topic: Epiphany  (Read 4297 times)

Certain Hope

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Re: Epiphany
« Reply #15 on: June 11, 2008, 09:23:20 PM »

Well, hello, little prancing dear  lol - I mean, deer :)

I agree with you that medication can't cure NPD... because it's not a physiological disease or a chemical imbalance, imo.

And I can picture N being "honest" (I can't even use that word with regard to N unless I put it into quotes... sheesh) in therapy - - - right up to the point where he's asked to look within to locate the source of his misery. That's where he'd get stumped, imo.
But you know... my ex's mother was quite a case, in her younger years...
just exactly the sort that you'd imagine might spawn a N...
but she was not a bit N herself, imo, when I met her in her 70's.
In fact, I believe that she recognized exactly what her son had become and felt deeply saddened by that knowledge. He lived with her before we married, and nearly drove her mad with his shenanigans. But that's beside the point, sorry. It's just that you woulda sworn she was N herself, by the way her earlier life was described by other family members... and yet I couldn't see a speck of it in her later. So I cannot let loose of the notion that people can change, if they're willing to.

I think your view gives too much weight to nurture over nature... but that's because I don't think that babies are born blank slates. Each of my children had a very definite and distinguished personality from birth... and each has responded differently to her/his life circumstances to date (many of which have been far from pleasant).

This fits with what I experienced of NPD-ex:

He builds a fantasy life for himself, and as he ages, he mimics the people around him, but actually has no personality of his own. He trusts no one, but he must be the best considering everybody hated him.

That's a common theme I've seen with NPD. They have no personality of their own and trust no one, yet try to assume the personalities of others they envy,
along with name-dropping about supposedly important people with whom they've associated.
But I don't believe that he needed
ALL those people in the first years of his life to come forward and admit their failure to see to his needs in an emotionally healthy way.

He was able to express his needs to me, on occasion... so there was, at some level, an awareness of them.
Trouble was, no sooner did he express them than he'd punish me in some way, because now I knew his secret. He was vulnerable... and it was that vulnerability that he hated.

I understand that the N's you knew seem to have had very difficult lives... but I don't think that's always the case. Just thinking that... over-coddling and overly "spoiling" a child is said to be another potential way of winding up with N. So it's not just about feeling empty inside and not having received adequate care. It's a choice, I think still... always a choice...
and a very prideful one... to worship one's image of one's self above all.

Izzy, what did you mean by "a younger sister was born"  for you?

« Last Edit: June 11, 2008, 09:26:51 PM by Certain Hope »


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Re: Epiphany
« Reply #16 on: June 11, 2008, 09:35:04 PM »
Oh Izzy.... I can't even imagine your heart's sorrow over the things you and your dd have missed:*(


Certain Hope

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Re: Epiphany
« Reply #17 on: June 11, 2008, 09:37:48 PM »

((((((Lighter)))))) and (((((((Izzy)))))))


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Re: Epiphany
« Reply #18 on: June 11, 2008, 09:42:13 PM »
hi Carolyn

Izzy, what did you mean by "a younger sister was born"  for you?

Funny!. I knew that was confusing, but there was #1, then #2 then #3 (me) and #4 (her in 18 months) the closest of births. She was a younger sister of all 3 of us.

I saw changed 'dear' to 'deer'.

I suispect that those of us who (have a substanial amount of knowledge about NPD-ism?) would tend to agree on a # of points, yet disagree on others. I suspect that would be a logical conclusion as there can be differences.

Ex SIL, "I talk. You listen!" shocked my toenails into knots and I knew not why but I wondered why my D didn't speak up. Now I know. She was so emotionally abused she couldn't and he shocked me into voicelessness.

The general public ought to be made aware, but how. No one listens or believes unless having already been there!

"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"

Certain Hope

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Re: Epiphany
« Reply #19 on: June 11, 2008, 11:02:31 PM »
Dear little prancing, dancing deer (whew!)

I see that you and your two older siblings each and all had a youngest sister, yes. It was the "for" you that stymied me.

And now you have two dear deers in your greeting, so I have that issue covered.

About the points of NPD... definitely. There will not be complete agreement across the board, I don't guess... but we can all surely attest to the destruction one leaves in its wake.

That "I talk. You listen!" ...  Iz, you must have been absolutely floored. If a man talked to my daughter that way... I'd... I'd... I don't know what! How awful.
I completely understand the shock of it! My ex was not an habitual screamer, but he spoke to me in that manner and tone, with pretty near the same words, toward the end of our marriage, and I was completely terrified. Which was, of course, the desired effect.  Every single solitary thing they do is for effect.
Or is it affect. Matters not. Their affect is quite shallow, too. So there.

And you're right. No one believes till they experience it. And... I think there's alot of plain old generic jerkiness that's being labeled with npd out there, which doesn't help the cause either.



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Re: Epiphany
« Reply #20 on: June 11, 2008, 11:14:51 PM »
Carolyn and Izz.....

these mournful memories of your N/abusers.....



sad: (

Reading about your hopes and fears and the marks accross your hearts.....

the terror that finally replaces hope.  ::shaking head::

just mournfully sad. 

((Carolyn and Izzy))


Certain Hope

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Re: Epiphany
« Reply #21 on: June 11, 2008, 11:20:32 PM »
Okay, no more sadness from me, Lighter...

cuz you said you were only going to converse with uplifting happy folk and I don't wanna get cut off  :P

Maybe you'd better have a little bowl of ice cream?

A hot toddy?  A cold toddy?

Really, there's not too much of the old sadness left attached to the memories... or even anger.
It's all pretty much been chalked up to the facts-of-life list.
And life has gone on, really. Filled with new challenges, or old ones - recycled, but it's gone on, nonetheless.
Yours will, too.



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Re: Epiphany
« Reply #22 on: June 11, 2008, 11:23:58 PM »
::brightening at the thought of icecream::


I wouldn't cut you off, dear.

Not even when you were sad at me.


Certain Hope

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Re: Epiphany
« Reply #23 on: June 11, 2008, 11:31:41 PM »

I am trying to cut out the cutting off, myself... only applying when absolutely necessary.

And ice cream... well, that's a forever thang.



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Re: Epiphany
« Reply #24 on: June 12, 2008, 12:00:14 AM »
I have another one about ex SIL

I was down to their place to attend a movie, The Clan of the Cave Bear. In Toronto. Take a taxi to downtown rather than look for parking.  I sit in the front in taxi the two of them in the back and my 'chair folded in the trunk. Same for way home and I am in front with driver just before SIL is in and door shut and I gave address to driver.

All was very quiet on way home and when we got in the door, he erupted, that HE! HE! in a taxi gave the address to the driver. No one else!!!

D responded with, "Well don't get angry then tell us the rules later!"

I applauded her in my mind.

"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"

Certain Hope

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Re: Epiphany
« Reply #25 on: June 12, 2008, 12:08:43 AM »
yikes, Izzy.

That just gives me chills.

I realized today why I was so disturbed after getting this little swimming pool recently and putting it together with my daughter.

When I got it, I picked it up myself, and managed to stuff the thing into the backseat of my car (rather the two WalMart service guys did)
So I pried it out of there, pushing and then pulling, on and on, hauled the parts in a wheelbarrow to the front yard, etc, etc, etc...
and all of this under a little niggling burden of ... guilt? I thought.... because I'd made a brief call to my (current) husband and told him what I was doing, but didn't really ask for his input. Usually, I would discuss something like that with him and we'd come to agreement, but on this deal, my mind was made up and I was goin for it.

Okay, so all goes well... he's not a bit upset and doesn't have to do a speck of work to get the whole thing set up... but I cannot relax about it.
It was bothering me so much, hanging over my head like a bucket of doom, until finally yesterday - something I read here set off the realization -
the reason it was oppressing me so is that if I had done something like that with npd-ex, made a decision on my own and then not gone begging him to please help me get it fixed up - he would have made life so miserable for me from that point on. Probably would have sabotaged the whole thing and I would have regretted ever trying such a thing on my own. And of course it would have all been my fault, because I didn't consult the great one and let him handle it.

So - there he was, still in my head, after all this time.
Makes me wonder how many more times I'll have to boot him out before he's finally gone.



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Re: Epiphany
« Reply #26 on: June 12, 2008, 12:30:56 AM »
I fear the marks they leave on our psyches and hearts.....

won't ever be completely gone.

Not all of them.


Certain Hope

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Re: Epiphany
« Reply #27 on: June 12, 2008, 12:37:37 AM »
I thought you were eating ice cream, Lighter.

Nite nite


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Re: Epiphany
« Reply #28 on: June 12, 2008, 12:13:27 PM »
I had a moment of clarity.....


in the bathroom, of all places :shock:

It occurred to me....

..... the people who've hurt me the most......

(3-D people, of course)

really couldn't help themselves.


Yes...yes...and yes.. and not to just the bathroom clarity part, but to realizing that those who have hurt me cannot and or could not help themselves at the time.

How many times have I been helpless and clueless...hmmmm well, many :roll:

But, what I have been struggling with is what happens when one day they (N's) have to come to terms with themselves... the truth will be known it will come forward, so what then, are they going to look back and recall how people hated them and then have a "bathroom" moment of clarity in that they deserve the anger that people threw at them in response to their lies????

Hmmmm.....wishful thinking on my part, perhaps?

It occurs to me that the people who helped me the most over the years were the ones that told me the truth, but did it from a place of love and kindness.

I have no idea what I am saying here....just rambling.


« Last Edit: June 12, 2008, 12:16:21 PM by Gabben »


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Re: Epiphany
« Reply #29 on: June 12, 2008, 12:39:48 PM »
Lighter, Hope and Our Izzy Deer-

I just read your conversation here and it made me feel...happy somehow...the kindness and gentle wit ( "I won't cut you off...even if you are sad at me")- lovely.

Thank you,
