hi Carolyn,
My thoughts.
There is no way that medication would heal an NDP”d person. There is no way that an NDP”D person would be honest with a therapist.
If an N were to notice that some people are happier , more centered, never show raging emotions, as in trashing a room or a vehicle , then there might be a possibility if he were to meet with family people….
….I say that an N is made, not born.
Take a for instance that a woman gives birth and uses a wet nurse. The baby will look into the nurse’s eyes and remember the tone of her voice and how he is being held. Then mother comes along and does motherly things, like holding him and playing with him but her tone and actions are different, then back to nurse, then to mother, then to nurse then to mother. Who is who? Who can I trust???? and something is already in a baby’s system. (I made up this scenario..) Does the baby know who loves him?
Take the scenario of a baby just born, held by his mother and nursed and cooed with etc. then given away for adoption. There is a broken bond again. There are also nurses and social services people handling this kid and it is all confused and doesn’t even know it.
He grows up and hates his parents, particularly his mother, with no definable reason. Maybe both parents work and there is a sitter who could give a sh*t about him.
He builds a fantasy life for himself, and as he ages, he mimics the people around him, but actually has no personality of his own. He trusts no one, but he must be the best considering everybody hated him.
Ah! well Carolyn I could go on, but you (might) get my drift.
The N would need ALL those people in the first years of his life to come forward and admit their failure to see to his needs in an emotionally healthy way.
Do you think that would ever happen?.....................nope!
An N is an N is an N in my eyes and experiences! THe one I was with was adopted , my ex SIL is the 9th child of 10children.
Okay! So in my life, my mother breast fed all 6 of her babies. A younger sister was born (for me) when I was 18 months old. I still needed a mother. I wonder what she did????? This is the closest in birthdays out of the 5 of us. The 6th, a baby, died.
Yep! All problem begin very early in life.
Thoughts on my thoughts?