My parents no longer speak to me or have any contact with me since finding out that my partner is now living with my son and me. For Mother's Day I sent my mom flowers. Father's Day is this weekend, and I don't know whether I should do anything or not. My father really isn't all that sentimental. I really can't afford to buy a gift right now, since money is really tight. I've not had any sort of contact with my parents since easter, other than one snotty card, and another card sent to my son.
I'm very jealous of my partner and the fact that she has a good relationship with her family, and when she calls her parents on holidays, it makes me really sad, even though she and my son try to make the day good for me.
So, should I send a card and maybe a gift card to a restaurant or something? Or should I just not do anything?
If anyone were to ask my mother about this situation, she'd say that I was the one not speaking to them, and that I didn't want anything to do with them and I'm keeping my son away from them.
I joked with my partner last night that we should just show up and get some of my stuff.
What does everyone else think?