Author Topic: A Board Example of Bullying  (Read 8732 times)

Gaining Strength

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Re: A Board Example of Bullying
« Reply #15 on: June 16, 2008, 11:08:36 PM »
Quote from: Ami on Today at 07:50:31 PM
Bill ,Besee, Leah and I can see bullying . We are a smart group of people, IMHO.     Ami

Is this line implying that others here cannot see bullying except you and the others that you mentioned?

As you can see by the story, that is a form of feeling superior about ones self.

Not to say that you have no doubt been ganged up on here on the board, yes, at times you have. It is just to say that it seems by your statement that we who cannot see bullying are inferior to you?

If that is indeed the attitude then can you see how people would want to through books at you?

I ask these questions with an open mind and NO contempt, just curious. Lord only knows the ways I have enjoyed my feelings of superiority in my past, and if I might say I am still working on improving my self-esteem and growing in humility.


My interpretation is that Ami has been ganged up on, as you acknowledge, and she has called much of that "bullying" and that has been challenged and then she is ganged up on again and she calls that bullying and it goes on and on.  There is no resolution to this until someone decides to stop exchanging with people with whom they are in conflict.

I find much of what is going on on this board lately to be very offensive.  I have seen time and again that to react emotionally always makes it worse.  I have noticed that responding rationally, unemotionally in an attempt to resolve the conflict simply doesn't work.  I don't believe that anything works other than for those whom have animosity or a sense of antagonism towards others simply stop responding.  I don't think that is likely to happen but in truth I think none in the conflict hold a superior position over any others. 

People will either get tired of the conflict and stop or it will go on ad infinitum worsening and worsening until there is yet another blow up.  There is no superior side.  All in the conflict are responsible for the problem.  We are all wounded here or else we wouldn't be here.  We are all susceptible to triggers and to taking offense.  Once we take offense, we are hooked into the conflict.

The question is - how do we stop once we are hooked into the conflict?  Now that's a very, very difficult problem isn't it.