Well, YESTERDAY, evidently, enough was enough, as 2 board members left this board. [Oops - new member & Lollie - a member who joined in 2007]
YESTERDAY need not have happened at all, in my experience, and view -- bear in mind -- that I was one of the two members who received the harsh words of admonishment -- rudeness.
Nothing to do with the general consensus of newbies being groomed or behind the scenes nonsense -- why ever would that be necessary?
One only has to sit and read what is glaringly obvious to ALL -- day in day out.
Certainly, no need to assume or discount anyones ability to read and decide.Yesterday: Chronology of Choice of Words – and the final outcome A personal thread is created with the choice of the “ We “ statement.
The much discussed, and as I understand, recommended use of the “ I “ statement was not used.
Thereby, understandably, questions and responses of clarification will occur - as did happen.
A member posts that to question the creator of the thread - is '
absolutely out of order’ kind of thing -- directed at the 2 members.
The 1st member then responds – highlighting the full context of her post.
The 2nd member receives an acknowledgement response posting from the thread topic creator and all appears well, and in addition, and in conclusion, the member expresses words of encouragement and thanks, with blessings, for something that she learned from the thread topic creator.
The 2nd member responds to the member who had chimed in with the harsh words of admonishment -- and in doing so, the 2nd member merely expresses her feelings of being wrongly perceived.
Final Outcome:The 2nd member is informed (with notification to the board owner) on a separate new thread, that a No Contact Order has been enforced, and that henceforth, she cannot post or make reference to the thread topic owner.
http://www.voicelessness.com/disc3//index.php?topic=8017.0 http://www.voicelessness.com/disc3//index.php?topic=8021.0Am I missing something? I really don’t understand “why?” all of this had to be.
Truly, I am bewildered, that yesterday,
CB who had only returned to posting on the board the previous day, has done the very thing that she declared ought not be done!
Why? Are we seemingly devouring one another? By the way, this, my posting, is of independent thought -- as in actual fact, I am the aforementioned '1st member' who received the harsh words of admonishment -- rudeness.Yours sincerely,
Leah x
http://www.voicelessness.com/disc3//index.php?topic=7976.0 Relational Aggression