Author Topic: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?  (Read 16398 times)


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Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
« Reply #15 on: June 17, 2008, 03:02:06 PM »
My favorite is home grown tomato's with mayo and Pepper on Oatmeal Bread..even though I want to salt it up, I don't, ok maybe a little..



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Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
« Reply #16 on: June 17, 2008, 03:03:55 PM »
My favorite is home grown tomato's with mayo and Pepper on Oatmeal Bread..even though I want to salt it up, I don't, ok maybe a little..



That sounds soooooooooo yummy!


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Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
« Reply #17 on: June 17, 2008, 03:58:09 PM »

OMG it is so good.    I love it with a glass of chocolate milk.  Really really cold.  You know what else is really good when you get fresh string beans and throw them on the George Foreman Grill with onions and fresh chopped tomato's and topped with Emeril's Garlic and Rosemary... So goooddd...



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Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
« Reply #18 on: June 17, 2008, 04:18:57 PM »
Oh Debkor, a tomato sandwich in the summer is one of my absolute favorite things! Yum!! Has to be homegrown t's, though. Now you're making me hungry for one and it's not tomato season yet!


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Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
« Reply #19 on: June 17, 2008, 04:23:12 PM »

OMG it is so good.    I love it with a glass of chocolate milk.  Really really cold.  You know what else is really good when you get fresh string beans and throw them on the George Foreman Grill with onions and fresh chopped tomato's and topped with Emeril's Garlic and Rosemary... So goooddd...



Yum...I need a grill, that sounds so good....thanks for the mouthwatering ideas.


Certain Hope

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Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
« Reply #20 on: June 17, 2008, 04:25:29 PM »
Thank you all for the smiles here  :)

No maters yet, but gonna go for a slice of toasted honey wheatberry bread with just plain butter!

Comfort food.

Love to you all,



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Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
« Reply #21 on: June 17, 2008, 04:43:35 PM »
When I am stressed I eat peannut butter. yesterday I ate a whole jar of it. I almost vomited and felt bad until today, worst than the worst hang over ever.

 :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

 :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

 :( :( :( :(

 :( :(



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Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
« Reply #22 on: June 17, 2008, 04:58:19 PM »
Thank you all for the smiles here  :)

No maters yet, but gonna go for a slice of toasted honey wheatberry bread with just plain butter!

Comfort food.

Love to you all,



Nothing like fresh bread and real butter. I always like my butter "bouncy" meaning not soft or room temp, but firm and cold.



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Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
« Reply #23 on: June 17, 2008, 10:24:08 PM »
OOoohhhh.... you guys have been busy, lol.

Tomatoes.... from the black soil of amish land Ohio.... sooo good with the oatmeal bread, deb.... but with Miracle Whip, salt, pepper and a little sugar.... mmmmm. Sometimes toasted, sometimes soft bread.

Nutello.... ooooooohhhhh yaaaaaaa.  By the spooooonfuls. :x  Hard to stop eating.

Lily.... I really thought you and i could be food sisters....







Dairy :shock:

Gotta have the dairy.

Lupita... I really don't like that overstuffed, I've eaten myself sick trying to escape my emotions why oh why is there no more room in my stomach maybe just another bite, feeling.

I know it well (((Lupita)))  Peanut Butter would be a very heavy comfort food.

Butter toast.... very neat and with real butter.  Used to eat that a lot but out of the habit a bit... trying to eat healthier with my girls.

You mentioned eating healthier for weight Lily.... so I'll post a smidge on it.

My oldest dd is overweight. 

I've managed to gain her cooperation and we count calories and eat for strength.

Not to lose weight, but for nutrition and health.

Egg whites are a favorite here.... only 17 calories and 2 egg whites and one yolk comes in just under 100 calories.

We try to eat every 3 hours, to keep metabolism up.

Fresh fruit and boiled egg white, we call them easter eggs, for a late night snack is just right.  Very enjoyable.

Lots of protein to curb appetite.

On the chocolate milk.... ach, deb, lol.

I like whole creamy milk... sometimes not cold at all..... rich and thick. 

My oldest wouldn't touch chocolate milk either... too sweet but my little one....

She digs the chocolate cow too.



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Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
« Reply #24 on: June 18, 2008, 10:22:19 AM »

Thanks for the tips! You're absolutely right, it takes a new attitude about what food is for. (Which I now have.) for dairy, I LOVE dairy!! Love cheese. LOVE butter. Love it all!! My mom's family were dairy farmers (I had to keep the no-dairy thing quiet). One of the things I went on was called the Liver Diet (no, you don't eat liver as everyone thinks, it's to make your liver healthy; there's a lot of very good science behind it), which is where I came up with the idea. That's when I saw the pounds start dropping off.

Please give your daughter all my love and hugs and support. It is not easy, and you don't want me to get started on the why's and wherefore's. It is so "overdetermined" (multiple causes, as they say in the medical field) and it's very difficult to get through or even find each of the issues.

Which reminds me -- just a thought that comes out my own experience -- you might want to consider whether your daughter has sleep apnea. I found out two years ago that I've had it since childhood, and it's a major cause/contributor to my weight. I have very small airways. (I've never been able to really breathe through my nose.) They don't have all the answers yet, but I work in the medical publishing field and read about it all the time. It's a very complex syndrome that snowballs on itself, and it's nearly impossible to lose weight if you have it. It also makes you gain weight. Just a thought. It was such a strong factor for me that I thought I'd pass it along. My sleep doctor said I was the worst case he'd seen in his 20 years in the field. MDs worry if your oxygen goes below 90 or even 95 ...mine plummeted to 20 every night! I never got out of stage 1 and 2 sleep --- had no REM.

as for you tomato people ... there is nothing like a Jersey tomato!!! Don't laugh at me, it's true. And corn, too. But the tomatoes are unbelievable. Now, don't Jersey-bash!!!!


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Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
« Reply #25 on: June 18, 2008, 10:45:48 AM »
Have to disagree, though I freely admit I have no data on which to rely, lol.


Thanks for your info on sleep apnea.

20%.... good grief!

I hope that's under control now.

My nephew had it too, he hardly grew for a year, his poor little body was struggling to breath.

And.... our bodies need some fat.

Maybe a smidge of butter and a bit of milk?

But 0%.... I can't imagine.



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Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
« Reply #26 on: June 18, 2008, 04:16:50 PM »
Yeah, well I do have a teeny weeny bit here and there.

Along with my Jersey corn and tomatoes. Ha, ha!!!!!!

Yes, it's under control. Wow, I'm so sorry about your nephew but really glad they caught it. I read a lot about pediatric OSA in our publications.


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Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
« Reply #27 on: June 18, 2008, 04:34:27 PM »
Today's invention: (makes 2 large servings)

1 Large boneless, skinless chicken breast
1 and 1/2 tsp olive oil

1 cup frozen chopped onions, peppers, mushrooms
(or fresh is even better, they are just not in fridge today)

1/2 can of mixed beans rinsed (black, chickpea, blackeye, etc)
3/4 can spaghetti sauce

2/3 can peaches an cream corn

1/3 packet taco spices
1 tbsp cummin

1/3 cup water

Brown chicken in oil then toss everything else into electric fry pan.  Bring to a good rolling boil then decrease temperature to simmer until done (likely 1/2 to 3/4 hours).

Meanwhile, cook large sweet potato in a bit of water in the micro-smasher (save 1/2 for another meal/person) and mix up a side salad with low fat drsg.

Smells good.  Fresh cantaloupe for dessert.

(I love fooood waaaaay tooooo much).



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Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
« Reply #28 on: June 18, 2008, 05:46:13 PM »

This is interesting...Was it something that you created out of your misc. pantry items?  Was there an inspiration?

I can visualize the dish without the peaches, the rest sounds actually good, a must try before I dismiss kind of thing  :D



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Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
« Reply #29 on: June 18, 2008, 06:00:18 PM »
Hi Lise,

First.......thanks for the giggle (explanation to come).  Shows how product names can paint a picture.

I'm waaaaaaaaaaaaaay up here in the great white north..........Canada.

We have a certain kind of corn here called:  "peaches and cream".  It's on a cob that has both yellow and white kernals, very sweet and creamy.  Deliteful!!    One can buy it canned as well.  So.......

note:  there are no peaches in the recipe.

But hey!  I would not be against adding a few.  :D  Might be interesting???

Second, yes, this was inspired as follows:  I opened the fridge and saw a bunch of opened, 1/2 eaten cans of stuff in there and decided to do something with the lot, so they won't go to waste.

 :roll:  Creative cooking.
