Okay, people, here's the dish on Ciao Bella:
They use real Italian gelato equipment and real recipes, and they are extremely picky about ingredients. All natural. If they can't get what they want, they don't make the flavor. He imports real blood oranges from Italy, stuff like that.
Okay, this is bad, but so far I've had pistachio (the best), mint choc chip (REAL mint, tastes like mint leaves), key lime (has graham cracker bits in it), and chocolate hazelnut (I figured it would taste like frozen Nutella). All very good!! The blood orange is a sorbet, and that was great.
Gelato has less butterfat and air than ice cream, so it's dense but smooth and tastes like a premium ice cream even though it doesn't have the butter fat.
I've got everyone on to this now. They're all buying it!!!
Sunday was my birthday so instead of making/getting a cake, I made myself a raspberry crumb pie, something I've wanted to do for a long time. (Never made pure raspberrry.) It was a little liquidy but all in all, quite good. Really tasted like raspberry. Yum!
Ok. Now it's back to the real stuff. No more indulgences for awhile!