Oh, thank you, Lise. I knew that you would understand.
I was feeling that newfound self-respect, too! Somehow, during the morning here, I let it slip, as a sense of old shame began to warm my ears.
That's nobody's "fault" or responsibility... just a fact of life for me where I am now.
For some reason, I'm scaring easily these days... and it is difficult for me to hear contrary opinions (disclaimer to CB again - this is not about you or in any way to suggest that you shouldn't voice your views!) about something that I've experienced as such a liberating tool!
I've talked with hundreds of folks here over the years, made my blunders and been the recipient of others', as well.
I'm not suddenly trying to build a dam and store up fetid waters.
I'm trying to express myself here just as transparently as I try to do in real life, face to face... which means, just like at work, there are some folks with whom I'm not going to establish communication and that's okay! They don't follow me into the break room or insert themselves into my conversations with others (well, one actually did - which is partly why I am where I am now!) and I don't do that to them... and all is well!
Anyhow, it seemed a simple thing to me, and nothing out of the ordinary... but then I lost sight of that, temporarily, today.
Thanks for hearing me.