I am watching TV and saw a movie of a retarded girl, everybody laught at her. I really felt I was that. I never felt so much shame. My friend N, his name start with an N but he is a little N. He makes me feel bad. I need to cut off that friendship. Always attract this kind of people.
I dont know if I should stop watching that movie or just face the pain. My heart is pounding at its maximum. Just not to think about shame is put a peace of chew gum in a roof licking.
I am going to move to a nice place, but will move with all my problems. I am starting to have problems at my dancing school and at my walking group, but if I move I will not be able to face those problems. I want to face them and fix those relationships, but I have to move. That movie makes me feel like a victim.
But now I know what is happening. The leader of the group feels intimidated with my personality. I always attratc attention unintentionally and people starts loving my talents. Then the leader feels bad with me and kicks me out. Dyer says that talents should not be display the same way that jewerly should not be displayed so thieves do not get tempted.
So, to be able to stay in a group and be appreciated in a group, and fit, i have to hide my talents so the leader does not feel threatened. Need to lay back and talk much less. That is why Dyer is helping me.
He says:
A country should not display his weapons, a person should not display his talents and his jewerly so thieves are not tempted.
Well, writing about these feelings made me feel a little better. I am still watching the movie but I have to dissociate that it is a movie. Not my family or co-workers humilliating me.
If I dissociate, next time a coworker gives me a bad look I will not feel like I am going to die. I will survive it. And will mnake that person my friend.