Thank you Carolyn,Light, changing, Lilly, Iz, for your prayers and kind words..
G'ma (called by everyone) my H's mother passed today.........
I'm a little troubled with things right now and keeping my mouth shut...but people are so insensitive... .....
First I am not close to his family...they never made or offered a welcome...14 years...except his mom.. she treated us very good and took on my children as her natural grandchildren..... the rest...strangers to me.. like some one casual on the street....
They tend to leave my H out.. not completely's a little to Fk'd up.....
Last week his M went in hospital for a fall... he never knew till she was out...and called him herself.. the sister never called him...
A week later he called to let his M know my son got promoted.. no answer... called the next answer.... he assumed she went away with the S which she did often... I said, call your sis... and... she was in the hospital again...he talk to his M in the hospital and she said.. that his S got busy and must have forgotten.... How the hell do you forget that for 2 days....
He went last night to see his M in the hospital.. said she looked very tired.. frail... kissed her and said I'll see you tommorrow M ...
This afternoon, My D called me who also works where her G'ma works... She said, M did you know g'ma died this morning... WHAT...her sister called and asked to speak to the Mgr. and I said she is not here but this is her Gdaughter..... she said did your M or F call you.. my D said no, she said I'm sorry your G'ma died.......
So now I'm hoping that my H got the call and was just taking some time before he called home... or was on his way home.... please let him have been called.... so I called him... and he answered.... what's up.... and I knew... no one called him.....Her son~~
He did not know but her job was called.....
So now I'm thinking Ok so everyone is upset, they screwed up, and I'm trying to talk myself into believing this.....
Now my H is just coming through the door and his N calls to tell him..... LAST I still say.. screw up.... can't be.... must be screw up.....
Later on his S calls to discuss the plans and said..... the hospital called and said that I can come and see M for last goodbyes and I had to hurry.. she looked peacefull.... AND NEVER TOLD MY H and he was here all day.....and he did not have that opportunity for closure.....or a choice...... and it is so very sad.....sad... sad....
He was very close to his M and he is very hurt....
I feel very uncomfortable as do my children going because we feel like strangers which we really are..we were not with g'ma just the rest ...and this.. this is terrible what has taken place... How can people be so insensitive... he was her son....