"Mrs. Moffat had taken her hand for comfort, and they sat there in silence for a while. Sometimes it seemed as if the world itself was broken, that there was something wrong with all of us, something broken in such a way that it might not be put together again; but the holding of hands, human hand in human hand, could help, could make the world seem less broken."
From "The Miracle at Speedy Motors" (Alexander McCall Smith)
A long time ago I learned that personal growth requires the proper and exquisite combination of support and challenge. We need support to give us the structure with which to grow, and as McCall Smith says, to "make the world seem less broken." We also need to be challenged, or we grow bored and complacent and atrophied. In other words, we need hands that hold us and affirm us and applaud us. And we need hands that give us a nudge, a gentle push, or even a shove in the right direction.
The above is from my friend, Pastor Bob