Author Topic: ...  (Read 5878 times)


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« Reply #15 on: September 08, 2004, 11:06:05 AM »
Greetings Ellie,

Have a joyful, happy birthday!  Enjoy your special day.
 :D     :D     :D

Hugs, Seeker


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« Reply #16 on: September 08, 2004, 02:53:45 PM »
Hi Ellie,
Hope you are having a great birthday!!!  But in case things are not as great as you had planned, there is always tomorrow to make it up.  According to my 72-year old friend/mentor, EVERYDAY is a birthday!!

Similarly, when you are in love, everyday is Valentines day.  

Discounted Girl

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« Reply #17 on: September 08, 2004, 03:32:45 PM »
I still say send her a pic of your tshirt ,,,,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!!!!!!!!


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« Reply #18 on: September 08, 2004, 03:56:29 PM »

Discounted Girl

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« Reply #19 on: September 08, 2004, 04:11:02 PM »
it's the sensitive mind issue -- those with passion, compassion, sensitivity and a strong moral fiber remember things. Life's events hold more importance to people of integrity than to those of the self-centered "I AM THE UNIVERSE" states of mind. Selective memory is part of the N's MO -- does it help me? No? Then fuggit abowt it. They want and quite often get authority without responsibiity, and that's a shame. They do not seem to ever have that "rock in your gut" feeling of guilt or remorse. Their whole essence is based on deceit and a wicked spirit ... boo ... booo .... I say boooooo ...  :!:


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« Reply #20 on: September 09, 2004, 04:48:31 AM »

Hey big sis,

Just wanted to say Happy Birthday to you! But please stop getting older, cause that means I have to real soon too!  

My response:

Actually 45 ain't so bad. I'm having the time of my life now. At this point you realize you better start doing the things you want to do now – cause you're not getting any younger! So that's what we're doing now – having lots of fun!  

Her response back:

I don't want to get older though...  

What a downer from your sister. Instead of celebrating with you and catching your great outlook she turns a joke into a putdown statement of stupidity - like you staying young will keep her from growing older? Like she's the only one that doesn't want to get older in the world. What's with these people's twisted technical way of putting it back on others with them in charge of life. Seems like they can't say anything with out ordering people around.  Sorry -  your sister seems depressing to me.  :evil:

Kind of reminds me of when my mom got my mother-in-law to chime in with her and say "Xxxxx's get-ting old-er" on my 35th birthday. It was like Na Na Na Na Na Na.  It seemed like it gave them great pleasure and they sang with relish the song of my aging process. It was sick.

I love your outlook Ellie!


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« Reply #21 on: September 09, 2004, 09:25:11 AM »
Good morning all!

It just occurred to me:  N's are soooooo afraid to get old, aren't they?

Afraid of aging.  So afraid to get "old"- the "o" word- the terribly, awful, age thingy!!  And soooo afraid of it all.

Afraid to get all wrinkly and unattractive, since wrinkly is so unattractive to them and since the media has tried so hard to teach us all that wrinkly is unattractive.
Maybe because they are afraid of death?
Afraid they will die alone?
Afraid their behaviour will pay off and nobody will bother to go to the end with them?
Afraid of what will happen once they leave here?
Afraid there maybe is a God or some higher power?
Afraid they will have to pay for whatever they've done here?
Afraid to age, get old, die?

"You're not getting older, you're getting better!"

That was a jingle in a t.v. commercial at one time.  That stuck in my brain like glue, for some reason.  I believe it!!

You're getting better at trying to get better.
You're getting better emotionally.
You're getting better at empathizing and understanding yourself and other people.
You're getting better at  living well and trying to get better at it.
You're getting better at learning and better at knowing things.
You're getting better........a whole, long, long, list of stuff to think about.

Aging is a natural process.  I love how the natives and many cultures value their elderly population and give them loads of respect for their wisdom!  They treat older people as very important, valuable people.
We could learn from those cultures.

What are you getting better at, now that you are aging a bit?
Are you afraid to age?

Just something to think about.

Have a great day!



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« Reply #22 on: September 09, 2004, 11:02:20 AM »

mighty mouse

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« Reply #23 on: September 09, 2004, 12:54:04 PM »
Hey Ellie,

So fill us in if you have the inclination. Did you get the phone call from nmom? And if you did, what happened.



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« Reply #24 on: September 09, 2004, 02:34:01 PM »


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« Reply #25 on: September 09, 2004, 03:19:01 PM »
Hi Ellie:

Or, you could send a card that says:

"I still care about you, even now.  You're still my mother".

Ofcourse, it would only be effective if you do care a little, even now.
If not, it could be kinder to ignor that b-day entirely.

I'm with you in regards to looking at aging as a privilege.   What a great way to look at it!  And so true too, when I think of some I have known who have died so young.  Thankyou for that reminder!

It's a privilege to live past each b-day, no matter who sends cards, calls or not.

Hope you enjoyed yours and you get to see many more happy ones!!
