Good morning all!
It just occurred to me: N's are soooooo afraid to get old, aren't they?
Afraid of aging. So afraid to get "old"- the "o" word- the terribly, awful, age thingy!! And soooo afraid of it all.
Afraid to get all wrinkly and unattractive, since wrinkly is so unattractive to them and since the media has tried so hard to teach us all that wrinkly is unattractive.
Maybe because they are afraid of death?
Afraid they will die alone?
Afraid their behaviour will pay off and nobody will bother to go to the end with them?
Afraid of what will happen once they leave here?
Afraid there maybe is a God or some higher power?
Afraid they will have to pay for whatever they've done here?
Afraid to age, get old, die?
"You're not getting older, you're getting better!"
That was a jingle in a t.v. commercial at one time. That stuck in my brain like glue, for some reason. I believe it!!
You're getting better at trying to get better.
You're getting better emotionally.
You're getting better at empathizing and understanding yourself and other people.
You're getting better at living well and trying to get better at it.
You're getting better at learning and better at knowing things.
You're getting better........a whole, long, long, list of stuff to think about.
Aging is a natural process. I love how the natives and many cultures value their elderly population and give them loads of respect for their wisdom! They treat older people as very important, valuable people.
We could learn from those cultures.
What are you getting better at, now that you are aging a bit?
Are you afraid to age?
Just something to think about.
Have a great day!