Hi all
I received an email from my sister about things and some pictures.
This sister said “Pickled beets always remind me of Mom”.
N sister asked, “Why would pickled beets remind you of Mom?” (‘I can hear her tone’ that implied that was stupid.)
Finally, at the table, another sister said, “Pickled beets always remind me of Mom.” Apparently there was laughter for those 'in the know'.
Had I been there I would thought “I love pickled beets” and my mind’s eye would see a 2 Qt. jar of them amongst all the rest of Mom’s preserves in the cellar. That would be me before.
The pictures showed a table large enough to fill the back ‘fenced in’ patio, when normal chairs were around it. No room for a wheelchair or turning space, a narrow door to go inside, and steps down to the grass, and this made me think of many family gatherings that if I stayed on the edge of things to be able to go use the bathroom when necessary, I’d be asked to move as my wheels were in the way. Room would be made for me somewhere, then people would fill in on the floor in front of me and, in that case, I would have people in my way. What’s the difference? No wonder I began staying away and living in MY own world.