Yes Lighter, I feel more comfortable in my skin. What is happening with me? I do not know. It has a little to do with everything.
Detachment, Wayne Dyer, this board, ten session with a therapist, books, and and intense desire to change.
The first symptome that I was changing was mt feet.
I have very ugly feet. And I hated them. Since I came to live on the beach, you have to go bare foot to the beach and to swim and to the pool, etc, and I noticed that althoug I cannot model in TV a product for feet, there is nothing wrong with my feet, they are just too fat, but they take me everywhere and they are healthy, so I started to just do not care to cover my feet.
That was the first syptom that I was getting better. More comfortable about me. Incredible.
One of my dates mistreated me verbally. I did not start looking for what I did wrong. I just was happy when he left and I knew that he was a waco, and was happy he left. I knew I did not do anything wrong and that was his problem and another firnd told me that he was very happy that that waco psyco just left and did not to anything to me.
That was something else that let me to believe that I am getting better.
I know I am not a bad daughter. My mom is a bad mother and she does not love me. I am not bad. I know that now.
A lot of growinmg and imporvement.
Thank you Lighter for your kind response.