this is really a great thread -- thank you flower (the strongest little flower in the world) for starting it.
I am savoring each and every word from each poster. I agree totally and nod my head here and pat my heart as I read. None of you can see me, nor I you, but I can feel you. Only those who have hurt as I have could write this stuff. I cannot describe how "good" it feels to be validated. It's not about liking the pain, or wanting to drag it out so much as a strong desire for acknowledgement. If only others out there could understand this, but, alas, if they could, they would be victims.
It's as if this is a horrible secret that only those who have been eaten by these monsters can really understand, and even then, it takes a precise mixture of qualities of the heart, mind and soul in the victim to be so deeply scarred. There are many more who suffered ruined childhoods as we did but who have managed to go on into adulthood without the long-term ramifications of the abuse. I don't know how it is possible, but others have done it.
We are a select group, in a special class, members of a secret society in which we did not apply.