Wow, Feline, if you're not a professional writer, I'd definetly look into it!
Madame Butterfly, You're an inspiration. You talked about cutting ties being socially unacceptable. It's so hard for other people to understand this most powerful need. I could never go back to the spider web, which is how I, too, described it. Having the life choked out of me. It's been 2 years since our blow-out. During that time, I would try to reconcile, but it was like beating my head against a brick wall. I gave up last Feb. and will never try again, even though I still fight the feeling to make their lives easier. After all, I'm the healthy one. I, too, am beginning to surround myself with "blessed friends". It's a process, but I'm getting there. My vision of myself is to be in field, wearing a long, filmy, white dress twirling around joyously. (Was that a deoderant commercial???) Anyway, I'm looking forward, not backward. Thanks for inspiring. Dinn