"One of the defining characteristics of humiliation as a process is that the victim is forced into passivity, acted upon, made helpless."[3]
My father worked hard to render me helpless and then - BAM - when I left his home he completely let go of all obligation.
These 2 quotes sound like your Brer Rabbit - the trickster who got away - SS. You had the natural expectation, that if you were as helpless as his treatment of you seemed to say was obvious to HIM... that he would continue to fulfill his role in that (already abusive) scenario. This was your "normal" ... even though IT WASN'T TRUE.
When he didn't fulfill that role - and intentionally left you without knowledge... that was a betrayal of your "normal", right? An overwhelming disappointment of your expectation of him. Is this where humilation or shame begins? Or was there some kid-logic, some interpretation on your part of his behavior that triggered those feelings that happened first? Or do the feelings arrive before - at the message of helplessness?
Did you have childhood friends to compare notes with? Spend time at their houses? Watch how those families worked? Or were you kept isolated? Withholding basic information and knowledge is one aspect of child abuse. I had to learn I needed a bra, to wear deoderant from my next door neighbor...at 12. Mother kept telling I wasn't old enough to know these things.
I think I see some (with 20/20 hindsight) faulty premises, if this is what really happened. I don't know that this picture I'm painting is totally accurate... but I think it holds promise in your effort to release humiliation and shame in your work. Wish I could be of more help to you.
I do feel, from what you've written so far - that your father was a monster. Without your mother to defend you, you became his prime target for control & mayhem - and he exercised both with no remorse. I so connect to this vulnerable being in you - because it wasn't true that you were "helpless"; you didn't deserve him humiliating you like that for whatever sense of power it gave him - truth is,
you were only helpless in that one situation because you were a mere child - and kept as childlike, no doubt, to further enable his ignoble, inhuman ability to torture you, longer.
Outside that situation, you needn't expect the same treatment from other people.... and can teach yourself to let go the reactions you match those old expectations, too. It takes time & practice. You are warm, loving, deserving of respect for how far you've come already - how much of that little girl you've reclaimed and welcomed into your self. I am so lucky to count you as a friend.
Twiggy has a message for little A:
I have a swing by the creek, under a big tree. Wanna come swing with me? Or we'll find something to do that you like to do! Do you like to play baseball or jump rope? If you want, we can just swing... and I'll be quiet. I can draw your picture, if you want... then you can draw mine!