I want so much to go to that little girl and rescue her from that wretched being of a mother. I want to rescue her and whisk her away to safety and protect her and console her and save her and heal her. Someone needed to do that. You deserved that then and deserve that now.
I feel that something more needs to be said but I don't know what and it makes me feel so empty to not find words that can make a difference - but that's just it - no words could possibly make any difference to you or to you as that young devastated girl.
I started to post a thank you for such touching compassion yesterday, but I erased it. I realized that there was more to my feelings than the humbling, yet heart-healing and soothing sheer gratitude I felt - but I was speechless (yeah, it takes quite a bit to make me speechless!) ;D
I am in a place right now, where I am "hearing" and "seeing" and "receiving" so much from the people I'm around; chance words; the sun shining and a light breeze; and simple human interactions. I think I've been closed, withdrawn, self-isolating behind a wall that simultaneously protected me and imprisoned me. Words like yours, SS are the trumpet that causes the wall to fall. Your words and the warm feelings behind them DO make a very huge difference!
In fact, I think you've just helped push me over the "finish line" - how important is THAT?
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I started out yesterday, with a question: why is it I'm able to be immediately angry at your father, but you seem to lean more to shame? Why is it that your compassion for me, when I was Twiggy, is so ready & forthcoming - but I have to go looking for my own compassion for my self? I couldn't answer this yesterday and I only have part of an answer now, because I think only you can answer for yourself.
(oh... my head hurts now for what I'm about to say next, publicly...)
I wasn't allowed to feel compassion for my self. It was "crying over spilt milk", childish, selfish and UNGRATEFUL for all my mother had suffered to finally divorce my Dad and make us SAFE. "After all she had done"... "I only stayed with your Dad those 14 years for YOU KIDS"... "what's WRONG with you... why do you insist on feeling those feelings after ALL I HAVE DONE AND SUFFERED THROUGH - for you?" I was made to feel selfish & ungrateful - for my feelings about my experiences - because IT COULD BE WORSE.
Here's the kicker: I knew we were even less safe than before. Especially me. Any time I openly cared about myself before caring for my mother & brother I was dismissed, put down, called selfish and ungrateful, and "just like my dad".... I didn't care about HER. Any time a glimmer of simple peace or happiness came to me in that time... it "hurt" her and I was to get "out of there" until I could be what she wanted me to be. I couldn't talk about feelings at all - only be the dumping ground for hers. That was the ONLY importance I had to her - apart from housekeeping. I truly, truly didn't matter to her at ALL unless I was serving her NEEDS.
Here's what she says when I finally answer the phone these days: "So? You're finally home?". As if my only purpose in life is to be there when she wants to dump more feelings again. As if I OWE her this for "all she's done for me". Like the wolf in the story of Brer Rabbit - I let myself get tricked AGAIN. Today, I realized that beyond not loving my mother, I'm also fiercely UNGRATEFUL for "all she's done for me" - all her abuse. Because all these years, "all she's done for me" is summed up in my desperate act of survival - abandoning Twiggy - like some fallen soldier in a battle, to save my own ass and take the slim chance that I would eventually ESCAPE to FREEDOM.
As Twiggy, my despair was so great that I wanted to die. That seemed the only choice available to me, to escape. So I split her and her feelings and memories OFF, and tenderly packed it all away in the chinese puzzle box of my unconscious mind. For safekeeping. A secret, buried treasure. Twiggy had started smoking when experimentation gave her the discovery that it helped her think rationally - it helped her deal with the brain injury she suffered in the rape. It helped her be MORE ACCEPTABLE to her mother.
The funny thing about stuffing something into the unconscious, is that only conscious awareness of "it" goes away. The feelings and emotions, however remain - just below the surface of day to day experience. Like lava, they would erupt with vulcanic violence whenever something cracked through the hard, cold crust of a manufactured personality. They made absolutely NO SENSE in the context of my day to day life - until I was able to pull out the pieces of those memories from my unconscious self.
My/twiggy's desire to die - that overwhelming death wish to escape and not be abandoned, abused, denied SELF - lived right under my skin and took the form of nicotine addiction. EVERYTHING depended on this. And this is why it never made sense that I was able to quit for 2 years - and yet, I went right back to it over what was a normal disagreement with a co-worker; the lava of anger erupted with ALL the feelings that I had as Twiggy... and I needed a pack of Marlboros. To punish myself... because it was "not allowed" to be angry at my co-worker.... and it "wasn't a big deal"... in other words: I and my feelings weren't important.
And guess what? I understood better my question of yesterday. The reason I had to search for compassion for myself - is because I was expected to reserve all that for my mother. The reason I punish myself - am killing myself smoking - is because I DID have compassion for myself, and I DID have anger at my mother - and neither of them were allowed to be directed at the right people. Instead, my compassion for myself was stolen by mother (Brer Rabbit, again) and all I was left with was anger, that should've been directed at HER, but got turned on myself for abandoning "twiggy"... and it reinforced the wish to die...
cigarettes were so easy to come by for kids in those days. And what was the ultimate put-down, the ultimate denial of my self, and my feelings and my self-worth/importance? What did my mother say about my smoking?
"IT COULD BE WORSE". Those are the words that have cursed me and my whole life. Instead of allowing for the possibility that "IT CAN BE BETTER" - I matter so little to my mother, that I don't even have the "right" or the "entitlement" complain or be angry with her.
Thank you - Thank you - Thank you - Thank you - Thank you - Thank you - Thank you - Thank you - Thank you - Thank you - Thank you - Thank you - Thank you - Thank you - Thank you - Thank you - Thank you - Thank you - Thank you - Thank you - Thank you - Thank you - Thank you - Thank you - Thank you - Thank you - Thank you - Thank you - Thank you - Thank you - Thank you - Thank you - Thank you - Thank you - -
SS. Your words mean so much to me. Your words ARE what I need/needed to hear. I can hear the caring in them; I feel the comfort that is normal human compassion... that doesn't even exist in my mother's soul... you words broke a whole section of wall down! And I want to return the favor, but I've taken up enough space in your thread with my own stuff already this morning. I'll be back.