Ok, so eharmony sent me a match this week. I haven't been paying attention to them because most of the men they've sent haven't been so great in my book. I let my membership expire (but they still send you matches.)
Then this week they sent me one from a man who has an equestrian business. He provides riding programs for schools and camps.
Gasp!! Horses!!! The long-lost, secret passion of my life!!!
So I took a risk and sent him a direct email (as opposed to the agonizing communication process they have in place) and just explained that I loved horses, am trying to get them back in my life in some way, and asked if I might come spend some time with his horses.
I didn't want to say that forget him, it was the horses I'm interested in!! But actually, he's quite good-looking -- and he just likes to sit in the field and watch his horses. That's my kind of guy.
So cross your fingers. It would be so great for me to have a place to go and be with horses again. It would be so healing. (Cross them for the horse part, not the romance part. Horses are more important right now!)
...on another subject ... Karen, my friend here, has become really involved with someone. She's really in love with him and he with her. They've been friends for awhile but "involved" for about two months.
God bless her, after all she's been through (she's the one who had ovarian cancer and survived against all odds), she deserves this. She really does. But she spends all day talking about him and her and them. And she's really lost her head, just as you do when you fall in love.
I love her, I really do ... but coming out of the N thing, it really hurts me to hear this. I listen and am supportive because she's a good friend and she really deserves it, she truly does ... but on the inside I'm really hurting. I would like that in my life too.
Just wanted to vent that to someone. I really am happy for her, just not so happy about the loss it makes me feel.