Author Topic: anyone watch the Y & R?  (Read 1821 times)


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anyone watch the Y & R?
« on: August 01, 2008, 02:24:56 PM »
Well somone on the writing staff knows

Nikki met and married and believed a conman/hit man

and now he's dead and she knows everything.

I loved an illusion. The David I knew never existed.

Wow ! When I saw that for me (4 years ago) it was such a weight lifting revelation. Then the N no longer existed for me, in any way.

"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: anyone watch the Y & R?
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2008, 04:27:14 PM »
Hello Deer-

This is what I am longing for- your experience of  the N leaving your reality and sense of reality... Thank you for again showing me the direction to go.

As  an aside, your advice on filing, etc has been truly helpful to me in my legal battles ( I was in a bad way when I sought your help and not exactly cogent or easy to work with I know, but you patiently helped, and it did so much good.) I had always paid bills as they came in, was my own mistress, etc, and had one file for utilities, one for house items etc, in fancy colors it seemed sufficient but was not truly so- now I have a file for each and every item, in plain manila folders- love it!!!! With the many courts and such Bagworm is involving me in, your down-to-earth methods and encouragement have been a godsend. Now that I am mastering the basics, perhaps you can teach me more advanced methods (though I lack your talent and Bomar brain) ?!?!

My Izzyfied house is also a blessing and a comfort. Thank you for your ideas and help!!!!

I have never watched Y and R, but am thinking of getting TV service ( I have a huge TV in storage)  How wonderful to hear "I loved an illusion..The Bagworm I knew never existed" - this is absolutely TRUTH!!!!! Someone on the writing staff does know- the word is getting out...

Hope you are feeling well and finding fun and pleasure in your life and work.

Love you,

Grateful Changing

Love and Thanks,



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Re: anyone watch the Y & R?
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2008, 08:44:32 PM »
hi changing,
What did I do to reach that point? WeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllL

The charmer and the conman were two different people. The charmer left and never returned. So what was he? I decided, like a puff of smoke, fading, faded, gone--- like a tissue, weightless, spineless, weak----like a tantrum-throwing child, ragiing, roaring and always right----but NO! *I* was right. I saw it! I left and I beat him. I was not conned out of anything but my feeling of self-worth, and I regained that faster than I expected, as I worked and had my own place. etc. etc.

The filing you are doing sounds like you are happy with it. Good! So more advanved techniques would mean????????????????????? I had to check Bomar brain and I am obsolete. :lol:  :lol:   :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
{obsolete] -- a brainy person. Originates from the Bomar Brain, an early electronic calculator of the 1970s.
Harry pulle an A in calculus -- he's a real bomar.

....except I did exist i the '70s.

Yes so the illusion is a puff of smoke and that just disappears. I strained my bomar brain on that one to make it so and he disappeared. I was thankful that I smoked.

Keep up the good work and attitude.


"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: anyone watch the Y & R?
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2008, 08:59:53 PM »
Ack..... speaking of organizing files.....

help help help


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Re: anyone watch the Y & R?
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2008, 01:28:51 AM »
Now this is interesting

Read about others and their to-do lists!!

Does this help you or make you feel worse?

For me, I do NOT need a to-do list, as I am always up to date.

The only list I make is the grocery list, but I never take it with me. I have a 'snapshot' in my head and then I check how well I did when I get home.

Do you ever think a to-do list is making a person procrastinate more?
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: anyone watch the Y & R?
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2008, 12:37:26 PM »
Ummmmm... are you trying to help me here, lol?



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Re: anyone watch the Y & R?
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2008, 06:06:09 PM »
My Darling Izzy Deer-

Your special genius is not out of date- only my poor mode of expression. I will try to capture your current brilliance in words- how about Genius Woman?

The story that you tell of getting away and making an even better life is inspiring, as is your practical advice on organizing and ridding one's self of suplerfluous and negative items. Quite transforming for me. In fact, after you finish your first book (or in between writing chapters) you could do another on practical items, laden with your particular philosophy, of course.

Women no longer have washing day to talk together and get informormation and support. We are, in fact, encouraged to bicker and compete with each other like silly geese. A savvy yet compassionate lady like you is a rare find in today's weird world- maybe you could do a website as well????? You would blow all of the other advice types away!!! Oprah couldn't hold a candle to you! And none of the current crop of advice folks can tell jokes, either!!!

Here's another description for you, "PHENOM" !!!!

Love and Thanks,
