Thanks for the listings... and for showing us how to save them. I didn't know.
This is such good stuff. I've saved to desktop the Compassion one and the other re: Feelings under different circumstances
and hope to go through them with a fine tooth comb, beginning this weekend.
And Iz.... I can't picture myself doin collages about life, either.
Still, to this day, I'm amazed to be free (mostly) from those who - as you say - are toxic and belong on the other side of that fence.
Not so long ago, I thought that NPD-ex would never quit stalking...
and the rest of the bunch - - - well, it's been 7 1/2 years physically removed and I still breathe a sigh of relief regularly.
Not sure I'm ready to consider what might be "ideal". In fact, I often think that most likely I wouldn't recognize it if I was in the midst of it...
which just maybe I am!
When is it ever enough?
When WE say it is, I believe.