What I need, in re-visiting my life is the validation that I was never all that bad at life--it was everybody I knew
Yup, sounds good to me, Izzy

Reminds me of what my mother-in-law has told me... after all this time (60 years) she has discovered that she's really not so odd after all.
Quite a revelation after feeling like a stranger for a lifetime!
No matter what sort of background we have, life is definitely a learn-as-you-go, on-the-job endeavor.... and it takes all kinds.
For me, finally - for the first time in my life - there is a sense of being an integral part of a greater humanity... and not some alien life form! What a difference!!
Oh, Izzy, here are a couple more for the life-stuff list:
Employment for financial support
Hobbies/ avocations for the sake of mental/emotional challenge and enjoyment
(Would sure be nice if the two overlapped and employment could offer all the advantages of a hobby, but I guess that's rare.)
And this one you noted is a major challenge for a lot of women, I think:
Another healthy-life thing is taking good care of the elimination system to avoid infections and constipation/ toxins in the system.
M-i-l and I were talking about this, too... and how we used to always wait till the last possible moment to "go"... as though our own bodily functions were the least important matters on earth. Such a basic thing to let lapse... but that's what happens when you feel like "other".
This thread is a regular buffet for thought, Iz... thanks !!