Hi again Jenny,
Well, I approached my husband with this when he came home for lunch, being the type of person who doesn't like to put things of importance off. He really was accepting of what I had to say and was already inquiring as to how best to get past it.
I do believe that my husband and I have a couple of things working in our favor in contending with this problem. One, we have utilize Classical Homeopathy in our family, though not as successfully with him as the rest of us, which will help with any possible organically related problems, such as adverse reactions to vaccines in his childhood, or the vaccines that were administered when he entered into the military. Two, that we understand very well the need in relationships to seek forgiveness and reconciliation.
I know that there were problems with how he was raised, having his next sister come 13 months behind him, which more than likely caused a premature ousting from his mother's lap, if she was even so inclined as to nurture her babies. There are a number of things that I have never liked about his mother and I have even told him that I have wanted to slap her, not literally, on a number of occassions for how she handled, or sometimes not handled, him in his formative years. I'm sure if I were to get closer to her and better understand her, that I would find her to be narcissistic.
So, overall, I am very pleased at how this has manifested and in how he has been open to it. I really hated to use the term Narcissistic, because I am not fully convinced that what he is contending with warrants having a title, seeing that each of can have Narcissistic tendencies at varying degrees and at various times in our lives. However, I do know that I don't like what has been happening and am the type of person to grab the bull by the horns at the onset, not waiting for it to become a pathological or sociological condition. We are expecting in May, his first, my 7th, and I want to establish peace in our home a.s.a.p. Maybe this is one of my phases of "nesting".

And, from what I've read in other areas of this site, having a baby can very well catapult someone with Narcissism, into seeking a new and more healthy path. Which means that we have 3 areas working in our favor!
I really appreciate your encouraging words and THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!!!