Author Topic: Another Really Not Nice Thing I Did  (Read 4205 times)


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Another Really Not Nice Thing I Did
« on: August 05, 2008, 01:37:13 PM »
I have a greater event to confess... And this one I feel very ashamed about. I hope that what I did, especially, did not affect my father.

My sister got married 5 years ago. I went to her wedding. It was a full-on nightmare and I was the anooying person who was basically excluded from everything although I HAD to be there to keep up appearances. I am not proud of my whole behavior during the period. My sister and her husband had been dating for years. He made no move to propose. She found out he had cheated. Then he proposed, but mostly because my NM started pushing the issue. I know it wasn't my spouse, but I really hoped my sister would not marry him. Parents and sister planned a huge wedding and bought me a dress I did not want to wear. NM enjoyed fighting with as many people as possible over any detail. I started drinking again and gained weight so that I could not even wear the dress. My sister hardly talked to me at the time, but asked me to be the matron-of-honor. Finally, I backed out of that and said I would go to the wedding, but not play a role. My sister asked me to read a passage, which, of course, was picked out by them.

So I went. I helped my sister with her preparations and gave her gifts I had bought for the bridesmaids in Italy. And I drank the whole two days of the pre-wedding and wedding. My aunt was there and we were close up through my teen years. We drank together and I told her how ignored I was and how nasty my NM was. I also told her that NM biched about everyone, including her. She was surprised, buit believed me and sees it now. I feel bad, because I should not have tried to make someone else see what they did not need to see. I am also afraid that she thinks less of my dad (her brother) because of my disclosures. We talked all night and she told me thongs about her life and I gave her an earful of all the things I went through. This was before I knew about Narcissism, so it was from a confused, unclear, angry place.

But this weekend when I saw them, I could tell there were leftovers from that talk. My aunt called us to meet up as soon as she got there, but did not call mom and dad. Granted, she did say they hardly ever talk to her. My dad is always happy to see people, but he does have some role in where they stand, because he buys into NM's nasty portrayals of people. I feel bad for him on one hand because he wants to love his family, but his low self-esteem and association with the nasty, ugly putting down of them makes him at odds with them.

I don't know, I just feel now that this is my deal and that I should not try to make others see it. I tried once with my sister, but I do believe that one shouldn't try to triangulate people, no matter what the hurt. It is as wrong as what they did to me.

Thanks if you made it through this long post.

Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: Another Really Not Nice Thing I Did
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2008, 01:55:55 PM »
Beth, you're a different person now a days--who you were before was hurting.  One thing--I have done, recently, similar things to what you're describing here.  But I still can't get people "on my side".  They don't want to see and I can't make them see.  Or even empathize with me!  Let alone distance themselves from the person I don't like. 

So, perhaps your aunt and uncle would have seen these things on their own.  If they believed you and took it to heart, were teachable, then they kind of figured it out for themselves on some level. 

I think I understand that you don't want to try that anymore, though.  I get kind of sick of myself when I try to make people see what I see.  It is only recently that I been ABLE to control myself about it, though.  And just keep my mouth shut.  It is really hard!  But that gross feeling kind of stops me now.  And I feel less triggerable with the Cymbalta, so maybe that is helping too.

It really is a messy thing to deal with, though.


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Re: Another Really Not Nice Thing I Did
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2008, 02:34:27 PM »
Yes, I do it to a small degree still in that my best friend knows about NM. She has no connection to her, though, so I have not clouded her image. There was a time when I wanted everyone to know. In a way I still do. But to have NM be exposed would be like the Emperor in New Clothes, and would leave a sad, lonely woman standing alone. Does she deserve that? Probably. Sometimes, though, I can't help but pity that small child in her, at the same time that I am disugsted with it and her. I guess I can't be like her (vindictive) or I am afraid I will become her. I was like that for many years as a young adult, and it is not a nice way to live.
I am also so happy to hear you on a medium plane again, Juno. Are you feeling better all around? How is the therapy working? I was so worried about you when you were at your darkest. I am so glad you took charge and came back.
I am sending you humongous hugs and big thanks.
Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: Another Really Not Nice Thing I Did
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2008, 02:39:43 PM »

Hi Beth,

Hugs to you.  I think it is good that you're writing about your feelings.  Let it all out in a safe place.  

I did a similar thing twelve years ago, that is, I opened up to a person on impulse and regretted it later.  

Is my sense right  that you would like to tie up loose ends regarding that specific  conversation with your aunt and clear the air so that she and your dad can resume their relationship without that old conversation coloring the way they relate?   I think there are ways to do that if that is your main concern.




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Re: Another Really Not Nice Thing I Did
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2008, 02:48:06 PM »
How do you think I could, tt? I did make sure that she knew dad was really excited to see her when he found out she was at the hotel. I told her that he and I went to find her as soon as we could.
What else could I do?
Yes, tt, I feel this is a safe place and that I need to be honest with myself and others. I had one of those gut-wrenching moments where I felt like just an awful person this weekend. Maybe I am reading it into the situation. I do tend to take on a lot of emotions that don't even exist.
I tried not to say anything to add to what I had done, but my aunt brought up that my dad had been in the hospital with pneumonia, and I retorted, "Can you believe my mom never even called to tell me?" So I added to the fire... It popped right out of my mouth...
Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: Another Really Not Nice Thing I Did
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2008, 02:55:16 PM »

Hi Beth,

I have to be out of the house for a couple of hours.  I'll be working.  I do have an idea.  I'm going to think about it and will write later.  I hope my PC doesn't go down again in the meantime.

« Last Edit: August 05, 2008, 02:57:49 PM by teartracks »


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Re: Another Really Not Nice Thing I Did
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2008, 04:35:45 PM »
Hi Gratitude-

You want peace and are willing to do what you can to promote it in your family. Sometimes, as when you found out about your father's serious illness and hospitalization, you react emotionally and speak quickly from the hip, instead of diplomatically ...

You cannot totally save your family from strife and imperfections by ignoring your feelings or what is happening to you, especially when others are not always being fair and are not treating you justly and with respect. It is not your job!!! It can be a good thing to keep your own counsel, etc but you deserve to protect yourself and treat yourself well. Please don't beat yourself up for expressing pain or dismay or whatever you feel - you are not bad for seeing and feeling things in your reality that are hurtful. You are important and your being a good person is not measured in how well you conform with the demands of others.

You need to tell yourself how proud you are that you have handled so many difficult relationships and demands and are still standing... Do what you can, but don't take the burden of every situation upon yourself. Here's a big hug from me!!!(((((((GRATITUDE)))))))!!!

Do what you can, and for the rest, bless and release-give yourself blessings and release as well!!!

Love and Peace,



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Re: Another Really Not Nice Thing I Did
« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2008, 07:17:38 PM »
Beth-i an with you but lake Juno I am on cymbalta so I feel nothing which I am not sure is all that cool.  I tried and tried to discredit my mom over the years and all it gets me is a label as a jealous histrionic unstable person.  I have decided that I am me and she is she and that is that!

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: Another Really Not Nice Thing I Did
« Reply #8 on: August 05, 2008, 07:40:41 PM »
[ye old Stuffe-Words-in-Mouthe Hoppes returneth...]

Dear Aunt,
Looking back to 5 years ago, I feel really badly about venting so much about my painful feelings about my mother. I think that was not fair to you, and if I knew then what I've learned since, I might have not have said so much.

The other side is that I want to thank you for being someone I felt safe enough with to show some of my most painful feelings. I love you and appreciate you for that.

And I know how much my Dad loves you too.
I hope nothing I've said would harm your affection for him...that would be the last thing I'd want, since I love my Dad.

That's it...thanks much for reading this.

With love,
[Ye must feel freeeeee to composttee...] xxoo, H.
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Another Really Not Nice Thing I Did
« Reply #9 on: August 05, 2008, 08:39:28 PM »

Hi Beth,

I think Hops captured the essence of a way you can clear the air with your aunt.  Take Hops outline and personalize it to fit the way you communicate.   I'd probably take it a little further and actually ask for forgiveness, but that is a personal choice for you to make. 

I'm big on making covenants with myself.  So I might have a meeting with 'self' and have a little pep talk forbiding 'going there' even when opportunities like the one you  mention here presents next time.  I tried not to say anything to add to what I had done, but my aunt brought up that my dad had been in the hospital with pneumonia, and I retorted, "Can you believe my mom never even called to tell me?" So I added to the fire... It popped right out of my mouth...  

My best to you,



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Re: Another Really Not Nice Thing I Did
« Reply #10 on: August 05, 2008, 09:22:37 PM »

Not seeing the problem in anything you did myself.
You told the truth about someone who was harming an innocent bystander behind her back. What is to feel guilty about in that?
The harm was being done to your aunt whether you told her or not. Now that she knows she can take appropriate steps.
If I were in her position I would feel grateful to you for letting me know the truth. If there is estrangement between them it is the fault of the person demeaning another not the messenger. Estrangement based on the facts, I believe, is preferable to phony chumminess based on a lie. Your mother was playing her for a sap. Now she can't because you told the truth.
I understand your feelings, but would give you kudos not blame. Just my perspective.



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Re: Another Really Not Nice Thing I Did
« Reply #11 on: August 05, 2008, 10:38:27 PM »

Hi Beth,

The way it sounds to me  you are wrestling with a matter of conscience and the issue of what to do when your conscience condemns you.   My sense is that the conversation with your aunt five years ago has inadvertently caused you to assess your personal standards and question whether you lived up to what you expected of yourself.  So far, you've gotten two different opinions.  One - talk with your aunt, apologize, clear the air, and carry on.  Two -  excuse your feelings and carry on.  You are your own moral judge.  Sometimes, it's hard, isn't it?



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Re: Another Really Not Nice Thing I Did
« Reply #12 on: August 05, 2008, 11:09:14 PM »
Good perspective tt, as usual.
My concern is our feelings are often very unreliable.
Sometimes a thorough examination of our feelings reveals that what we feel isn't justified by the facts.

Beth it seems to me is holding herself responsible for her father's choices. I hope she has thouroughly examined and evaluated these feelings before she does anything. Maybe she already has; if so then she should follow her conscience and ignore me.



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Re: Another Really Not Nice Thing I Did
« Reply #13 on: August 05, 2008, 11:13:35 PM »
Hey Beth,

Speaking being a Mom with a 23 year old and a sister who has a 22 year old daughter (which her and my daughter are very close like sister themselves) sometimes there is conflict between Mothers and daughters (they bitch to each other about us)  and YES they do bring us into it...(my sister and myself) and then there is conflict between us thing WE made our not ever under estimate that we Will not have confrontation..on what they are telling us about each other... for we are Sister's.......

There is nothing or anyone that could ever make me or my sister have distance...only we could do one else...No one else has that power.. not even our children.

It is a two way street for this to be resolved Beth and that comes from your aunt and your father....this is not your fault..and I bet your aunt would tell you that to....Like I said before...people know...they just don't say anything...they might not know what N is but they I knew about my friend...self absorbed... stab your back as soon as you turn, they smile in your face, then they talk about you... and this I bet your aunt always knew.. deep inside. 

Granted, she did say they hardly ever talk to her.

There is your validation Beth..she knows.. maybe not what an N is but she knows something is not right...Do you think?  I really don't think you put a wedge between your parents and your aunt.. they did that of thier own choice.... not yours.... you just bitched, like my own kids do...... No guilt....for thier choices....



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Re: Another Really Not Nice Thing I Did
« Reply #14 on: August 06, 2008, 07:39:29 AM »
Dear Beth
 I wanted to talk about your fear of being like your M, My biggest fear and revulsion was that I was like she.
 Yesterday,I asked my Aunt that question.My Aunt said I was not anything like she.However, I know that horrible panic and disgust that we COULD be b/c we are the D's.             Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung