My Dear Hoppy-
Sorry that you are suffering the described "abuse by court" that was initiated by your brother. It sounds like a harrowing assault,and as Shakespeare wrote regarding "The law's delay" , the painful process to reach justice can be one of the world's most vicious and tragic experiences. Hoppy iwhat has happened is not due to you or your actions, except for the fact that he is your brother- just like someone in a hurricane does not cause the winds and rain. i am proud of you, that you remain the good and loving person that you are, despite what is going on.
It sounds like a good thing that the interim minister is in the house, as an impediment to Bro if nothing else- and the financial assistance that the minister can provide at this time sounds wonderful. Perhaps the minister can assist in organizing the math items as Miss Lighter suggested, maybe preparing a spread sheet by hand or computer and arranging the receipts or whatever is required. When I was overwhelmed and at an impasse with my paperwork, answering filings, etc recently, Our Izzy walked me through reorganizing my pathetic files. Everything gets complicated and jumbled when one is dealing with snakes in court and the tasks seem endless and impossible. I felt foolish and childish needing such simple guidance, but thanks to Izzy's patience, things have improved so very much ( though I have misplaced an extremely important file last week- hopefully I will find it in the weekend) I actually enjoy the files now (sounds rather sick, doesn't it?!?!?!) You can do this Hoppy !!!!! Just do what you can in segments and enjoy- no more saying nasty things to and about yourself!!!!! You can do this!!!!
Remember Darling Hoppy- the abuser seeks to take or destroy what you value the is not you that caused the problem, it is simply their own inexorable process!!!! Give yourself a nice pat on the back and credit for the strength and courage that you have displayed, and for your resilience in dealing with this insidious blight!!!!! And give yourself a break- you cannot fight interminably without refreshment, and you will be the sharper for a period of rest and peace.
Have a lovely holiday !!!!
Peace and Love to You Hoppy,