My brother has sent a document (8 pages) accusing me of fraud, elder abuse, etc.
It is a twisted chaotic list of lies, distortions, partial truths and slander. Horrifying.
My lawyer has gone limp. I will hire another if need be, taking out a loan I can't afford.
This is where the payback comes.
I said NO to my brother (when he demanded to be put on mother's account) and I said, Stop bullying me, those days are over.
So he is now conducting an enraged and RELENTLESS campaign, and has threatened me with criminial prosecution if I don't give him the key to the house, abandon the POA, let him take over everything. He has been busy whispering to neighbors, planting seeds of doubt at the nursing home, going after me, says he hired a detective. I have no idea which are lies and which are true. But I think I'm going to find out.
He will not prevail, I hope, as his "evidence" is trumped up. But he is terrorizing me and turning my life upside down.
Please send prayers, good wishes, vibes, any good thoughts from any source.
Love you all and miss you,