Hiya Somebody

, And may I ask, please start your full big name again. Enough of this little tiny s stuff, okay?
Yeah, it's me, CG. I was going to stay outta here, and hey, maybe I'll wish I had of later.

But I just wanted to say, don't get all defensive and sorry for yourself

. Keep talking. Maybe not here on this thread. It's probably not going to improve for you on this one. But I understand the feeling of feeling like the board enemy. It's not nice. And you're not the board enemy. That's negative self-talk. You're say just sharing your views and beliefs as they are at this point in your life. Well then, if that's true, you're not the board enemy, are you?
Maybe, can I make a suggestion? Please? Ignore the negative combative responses to your posts as much as humanly possible. Or find the positives in the responses to you posts. If there are any??

Might be wise not to go into full armour contact immediately, just because people post back that they don't like you or disagree with you. That's their opinion they're sharing. That's healthy communication. Doesn't need to turn into a "Who's the cleverest" or who can write the longest or most convincing argument. Quoting and quoting and explaining and explaining. I kinda think about that approach. It's not working for you here. Well, that's how it appears to me anyway. And other people here are all generally prety much an okay bunch. As good as you're gonna find anywhere.
Hey, I'm going out on a limb here. I kinda liked that first post you did here on 20/9 at 5.50pm. I could agree with a lot of it. Not all of it, but a lot

hahahah hahahaha I've got my ideas, about this thread's topic, and I'm not buying in.
But yeah, I agreed with some of your ideas, and that bothered/confused me, because at times I just so don't understand you. I think I've told you before, you've kinda given me the creeps at times. My own problem thinking maybe? Dunno? But I'm giving you some honest feedback here, because I kinda care about how you're feeling too, now.

Yeah, Somebody, hahahha I'm shocked too.
Some things you and I will never ever agree on, but I'm not going there with you. Okay?
But it's obvious you're screaming to communicate. You want/need to communicate. That's so obvious. And healthy. If you didn't you'da left by now. Enough people have expressed that desire, and you keep coming back. Anyway, no-one should you just because a few other people tell you to. It's not all the board. Just a handful. And hey, people don't have to read your posts. Suggestion, Make it clear you're Somebody when you post, and not imposter Somebody, and then people can not read if they don't like your posts. Dunno if that will work, but it may be worth a try.
This is voicelessness forum. And you make your own decisions about staying or going. You haven't violated any of the official rules I don't think. If you had of Dr G would probably have pulled you up by now.
My hope for you

. I hope you can read and learn form others here. Not everybody dislikes you, so youc an lose that self-talk

Ask questions, yes, certainly. But not just combative ones, in defence of your own posts which seem so precious to you. Once you've posted your thoughts, it's good/healthy to be able to allow people to disagree with them. Maybe, try to understand what they're disagreeing with, if it's just so important to you that you can't let it go. Or it won't let you go. But taking exception to every disagreement with your posts is going to keep you very busy with very long replies to a recipient maybe really doesn't care for you, and will keep you on-the-nose for quite a while, so to speak.

I think you're percieved as forcing your opinions. That's how I see it too.

Sorry, but I do. Well, that's how it appears to me anyway. I think you're very extremely sensitive about your opinions. That's okay. Maybe I am too? Maybe we all are? I'm just trying to share with you that maybe being so precious about them, in the way you are, is causing you more problems than you'd otherwise experience here.
I for one am happy to talk to you at times, if the topic interests me, and am happy to read you. And thankyou Somebody for giving the Portia and CG topic of friendship discussion a rest. I really appreciate that you respected that request.
So maybe you could post to some other threads. Share some opinions and ideas maybe. Offer some heartfelt validation to some people needing encouragment. Something not related to this topic and trial/test newer better hahahahahaah shorter/less combative way to communicate here.

I hope your read this post in the spirit it is written. With warmth.
I'm going on hols so won't be here to reply to you. Never mind.
Arnie style, "I'll be back"

But can you one more favour??? Please?If it feels okay with you, and only if it's okay with you, if you feel the need to reply to me, can you do it at Ramble Cafe please, cause I won't be coming back to this thread probably.
Best wishes