Author Topic: is narcissism a disease or evil?  (Read 32411 times)


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is narcissism a disease or evil?
« on: September 08, 2004, 08:05:04 PM »
Is this evil? a personality disorder because of childhood trauma?  if there is no love, what are we dealing with?



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is narcissism a disease or evil?
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2004, 11:19:15 PM »
Quoted straight from the website


In his bestselling "People of the Lie", Scott Peck claims that narcissists are evil. Are they?

The concept of "evil" in this age of moral relativism is slippery and ambiguous. The "Oxford Companion to Philosophy" (Oxford University Press, 1995) defines it thus: "The suffering which results from morally wrong human choices."

To qualify as evil a person (moral agent) must meet these requirements:

That he can and does consciously choose between the (morally) right and wrong and constantly and consistently prefers the latter.
That he acts on his choice irrespective of the consequences to himself and to others.
Clearly, evil must be premeditated. Francis Hutcheson and Joseph Butler argued that evil is a by-product of the pursuit of one's interest or cause at the expense of other people's interests or causes. But this ignores the critical element of conscious choice among equally efficacious alternatives. Moreover, people often pursue evil even when it jeopardizes their well-being and obstructs their interests. Sadomasochists even relish this orgy of mutual assured destruction.

Narcissists satisfy both conditions only partly. Their evil is utilitarian. They are evil only when being malevolent secures a certain outcome. Sometimes, they consciously choose the morally wrong - but not invariably so. They act on their choice even if it inflicts misery and pain on others. But they never opt for evil if they are to bear the consequences. They act maliciously because it is expedient to do so - not because it is "in their nature".

The narcissist is able to tell right from wrong and to distinguish between good and evil. In the pursuit of his interests and causes, he sometimes chooses to act wickedly. Lacking empathy, the narcissist is rarely remorseful. Because he feels entitled, exploiting others is second nature. The narcissist abuses others absent-mindedly, off-handedly, as a matter of fact.

The narcissist objectifies people and treats them as expendable commodities to be discarded after use. Admittedly, that, in itself, is evil. Yet, it is the mechanical, thoughtless, heartless face of narcissistic abuse - devoid of human passions and of familiar emotions - that renders it so alien, so frightful and so repellent.

We are often shocked less by the actions of narcissist than by the way he acts. In the absence of a vocabulary rich enough to capture the subtle hues and gradations of the spectrum of narcissistic depravity, we default to habitual adjectives such as "good" and "evil". Such intellectual laziness does this pernicious phenomenon and its victims little justice.  


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is narcissism a disease or evil?
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2004, 12:18:48 AM »
I don't think narcissists are evil at all. Many times the behaviors they do are in nature, but stem out of an illness. This does not excuse the behaviors of rightful consequences, but in my opinion they are simply very ill with a diagnosable disorder--not evil.


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is narcissism a disease or evil?
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2004, 01:47:02 AM »


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is narcissism a disease or evil?
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2004, 03:27:21 AM »
Very good post Dinny! I'm going to have to buy the book cos it sounds spot on! You/he are right...they're not evil in the pure sense, but the adjective near as damn hits the mark in describing them!



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is narcissism a disease or evil?
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2004, 05:18:16 AM »

Thanks so much for your insight and support.
 It aided my healing. Too much of my heart
was in this post to let it remain here for posterity on the web.
The post served its purpose and now it is time to
edit it or gently take it down.
To every thing there is a season, and a time
to every purpose under the heaven:  Ecclesiates 3:1



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is narcissism a disease or evil?
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2004, 09:30:36 AM »
Excellent topic indeed.  Love it love it love it....
I will read Ellie's recommended book as well...


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Re: is narcissism a disease or evil?
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2004, 10:00:32 AM »
Quote from: Anonymous
Is this evil? a personality disorder because of childhood trauma?  if there is no love, what are we dealing with?

I see narcissism as a continuum from mild to severe. Ns at the mild end are far less destructive than Ns at the severe end of the continuum. Ns at the severe end are dangerous, evil monsters. They are psychopaths which is a constellation of various mental disturbances. This still doesn't negate their evilness and threat to society. Ns at the mild end are mainly insufferable and not necessarily evil.



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is narcissism a disease or evil?
« Reply #8 on: September 09, 2004, 11:30:36 AM »
My definition of evil is viewing living creatures as objects without life, as things for one's own gratification.  Period.


Discounted Girl

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is narcissism a disease or evil?
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2004, 11:39:09 AM »
I would guess that with all things there is a scale of 0-10, mild to severe. Additionally, factors of their education, background, gender, etc. will determine their style and methods. Is it better to be only mildly evil? Can we say, "well, at least she did not commit murders." It also depends on the toleration level of the victim. It is very complicated, too complicated for me to sort -- I only know that it hurts, hurts real bad, and the pain is compounded by a 1000% when it is your parent abusing you.


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is narcissism a disease or evil?
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2004, 12:30:45 PM »
Discounted girl,

I think your mother was at the severe of the spectrum -- not mild.


Discounted Girl

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is narcissism a disease or evil?
« Reply #11 on: September 09, 2004, 01:04:35 PM »
I think you are right bunny ... She is far more clever and nasty than her little old white haired lady personna. It's like a disguise (but she ain't Lucy and she ain't in the sky, needless to say there ain't no diamonds  :lol:  )


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is narcissism a disease or evil?
« Reply #12 on: September 09, 2004, 02:03:46 PM »


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is narcissism a disease or evil?
« Reply #13 on: September 09, 2004, 02:23:04 PM »
Moonflower said:
"Boohoo...why am I being so mistreated?" ....all the while backstabbing and trying to turn everyone against us. My sister and I are the ungrateful daughters, and so very horrid for ever leaving Nmom.... and after all she has done for us too. Bah


Could not have said it better!

Since this PD seems so rampant, shouldn't we petition the gov't for special tax deductions - maybe $600 per N parent, spouse or sibling. It would be like child care deductions only we would call it pain and suffering deductions.  8)

Discounted Girl

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is narcissism a disease or evil?
« Reply #14 on: September 09, 2004, 02:35:51 PM »
hahah -- yes, but better yet, just give me an EXEMPTION from the torment !! :idea: