It seems like the damage of being raised in an N family follows me wherever I go. I started a job after a long search about 5 months ago and it is truly an earthyly form of hell---largely due to a N boss who is of the "mean" variety of narcissists.
But yesterday, I forced myself to accept an invitation from one of my coworkers who was having a small get together at her home. There were about 5 of us and all were pleasant co-workers and shared in my work-related pain. But I also felt, as usual, like I didn't fit in. It sort of pointed to how alone I was. Two of the other four were involved in committed relationships. The other two weren't but their lives were filled with really good friends. THey all had specific plans for this weekend while I didn't. It also struck me that none of them even mentioned their FOO families. I envied that as I seem to be focused on mine, no matter what I try to do
Even though the day was pleasant enough and I was a little proud that I forced myself to do it (since generally my depression prevents me from doing so), it also reminded me of how empty my life is....While it seems that on occasion these "moments" occur when others include me, for the most part, my efforts at finding others in my life never turn out. Other people always seem to be their priority.
I guess I was just feeling sad....but also a bit envious that they literally don't give their families a thought. Perhaps it is also because growing up in the N family I did, even though my family was and is incredibly dysfunctional and narcissistic, my N and co-D parents also stressed that family was "important" and kept us all isolated from any other relationships---no family friends, no extended family, no one else invited in our home.
Perhaps that has lifelong effects.....I don't know...I guess it's left me feeling pretty hopeless.....Nothing good just ever seems to pop into my life...and I'm beginning to think that will always be the case.